
Let Them Eat Cake by Ravyn Wilde

booksareforever's review

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If you want straight up erotica with very little story getting in the way, this book is perfect. If you want a book with a great story line, action/plot to keep you on your toes and steamy sex, pass on this one. I don't mind all the sex scenes, however this book had a unique story line which could have made for a fantastic book had the author spent more time developing it. You get very little back story or explanations and it leaves you feeling as if you walked into the middle of a movie and can't ask anyone to explain why things are the way they are. When they finally face the major conflict of the story, it is rushed and very anticlimactic.

xakyr's review

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I should preface this review by saying that I read this while very impatiently waiting for [b:Hot Ticket|12710035|Hot Ticket (Sinners on Tour, #3)|Olivia Cunning||17843529] to be released, so that may color my perception of the story. I was very blasé about the book, it was not in depth enough for me to be able to fully enjoy it. We have very little history about how Maria was turned, only that she was turned shortly before her beheading. We are told no information about Justin's time in Spec Ops, only that some Really Bad Things happened to him. There's really not much vampire background given at all, which left me with too many questions to be able to enjoy the story fully. It seemed to be a full length story, so this lack of detail is extremely irritating. The love scenes were steamy, and the romance factor was a solid 9 on a 1-10 scale, but in the end it was not enough to redeem the story for me. I'll actually be deleting this one from my Amazon Cloud.