
Visions by Kelley Armstrong

loonybin65's review against another edition

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Once again Kelley Armstrong has cast a spell on me. I sat down to finish Visions tonight, but now I wish I hadn't. I'm not ready for it to be over, and I'm not ready to leave the characters. Some questions were answered, but I still have so many more, and that's why Kelley is such an amazing author. She has a real talent for drawing her readers in with a fascinating plot and wonderfully diverse characters, then throwing them little tidbits to keep them guessing from chapter to chapter but never revealing all of the unknowns. Visions was wonderfully mysterious and creepy, and I can't wait to see what else Olivia uncovers in book 3. Thank you again Kelley for the autographed ARC of Visions that I won from your Facebook page.

readhead7's review against another edition

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I'm a fan of Kelley Armstrong and enjoy reading all of her books. Looking forward to the next book in this series.

kohlsamanda's review against another edition

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Really, really good! We found out a ton of information in this one related to the world's lore and how the characters connect. I'm definitely into this Wild Hunt vs. Fae quest for glory that seems to be going on as well. I enjoy the way the author mixes in the supernatural elements with the common world and the modern worldview of Olivia, Gabriel, and Ricky. I do wish there was a bit more balance between the Larsen's story and the newfound mystic elements, but hopefully we will learn more about Olivia's original family in the upcoming installments.

donnaburtwistle's review against another edition

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Super sexy and even better than the first one--go Eden/Olivia!

meisbres's review against another edition

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It’s rare that I like a second book better than the first but this series keeps getting better.

brittanythebookdragon's review against another edition

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Even better than the first. I absolutely love and adore Ricky. I want a Ricky. I also have a soft spot for Gabriel though. The dynamics of the characters, the revelations, the added dimensions of the plots. I really am just loving this series. And damn if Armstrong doesn’t know how to end a book to keep you coming back for the next.

patricia_nascimento's review against another edition

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RATING: 3.5 stars

Neste segundo livro da série "Cainsville", encontramos Olivia a acostumar-se à sua nova vida que inclui um novo emprego como investigadora para Gabriel.

No entanto, isto muda rapidamente quando Olivia começa a ver portentos e a ter visões de um corpo de uma rapariga desmembrada, vestida para se parecer com ela.

Será que as visões são mesmo visões? Ou que alguém quer assustá-la a sério?

"Visions" foi definitivamente um livro de fantasia urbana. Apesar de haver um mistério, este está relacionado de forma direta com os elementos sobrenaturais que compõem a série.

Ao contrário do primeiro, que se centrava no passado de Olivia e dos seus pais, este livro centra-se nas capacidades de Olivia e nas suas origens. Dá-nos pistas sobre quem serão os fundadores de Cainsville e sobre as origens tanto de Olivia como de Gabriel.

Achei que este livro tem um bocado de palha a mais e se alonga demasiado. Algumas partes são um pouco aborrecidas e não servem, na minha opinião, grande propósito narrativo.

Olivia e Gabriel sofrem mais algum desenvolvimento.

No geral, um livro que sofre de síndrome do segundo livro, sem dúvida. Certamente que aprendemos muito sobre a componente sobrenatural da história geral e há algum desenvolvimento do mundo, mas contabilizando tudo no final, muito poucas respostas nos foram dadas tendo em conta o tamanho do livro (400 páginas). Um livro interessante, certamente, mas que se arrasta um bocado.

tia_kriek's review

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While many say that J.K. Rowling is their queen, I could never fully agree. Even though I adore her work and I am a complete HP-addict, I just couldn't. I never understood why until - after a long Armstrong-break - I read this book. J.K. Rowling will never be my queen because to me, the spot is uniquely reserved for Kelley Armstrong. Her words have always captivated me, from her adult-books to her young adult-books, she has always written lines that sung to my heart and painted images to my soul. Reading her work is falling in love with reading all over again. And although many writers touched the very essence of me with dazzling characters, great storylines, epic quotations and amazing choice of words: they will never top her, they will never be better. Yes, Kelley Armstrong is my queen.

So what is there left to say? Visions grabbed me and didn't let me go. Visions is a rush and an adventure that I loved from front to cover. It has rendered me breathless and made me giggle. I fell in love and sympathized with the charachters. Oh, and I want to name my future cat T.C..

Reread in January 2018
Spoiler A drastic turn of events. Olivia gets a severed head in her bed and finds out that the town practices the use of 'changelings', they put their 'weak' offspring into a strong nest, hoping to strengthen the bloodlines.

Olivia is deeply involved with Ricky but I do believe there is a lot of hope for Gabriel and Olivia.
There has been strongly hinted tht Gabriel and Ricky are at the opposite sides of a yet unknown spectrum.

nessaluv05's review against another edition

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Loving this series!

The mystery continues! Really enjoying this series! Love all the folklore that’s woven in. A little bummed this book steered away from her parents, but it was still super good. Hoping to learn more about her parents and her gifts in the next book!

meg_the_bookworm's review against another edition

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I absolutely love this series... I'm pretty sure I auto buy-ed the next one.