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The Man Who Knew Too Much: Hired to Kill Oswald and Prevent the Assassination of JFK by Dick Russell
tittypete's review
So far thus book is brutal in its length. It's boring and speculative-feeling. Still I press on. - 6/15/13
Still brutal. Still boring. Still unpersuasive. Must continue. - 7/26/13
This book was brutal. Boring boring boring. Basically, the author talked to a guy that may have known Lee Harvey Oswald prior to 11/22/63. But a bunch of people write this guy off as a mental case and ALMOST EVERYTHING that could be a clue in they book is speculative. Needs three things: 1.) visual map of the cast of characters or at least more substantial bios. There are 900 million people in this book and it's confusing to make all the connections. 2.) A timeline of events. Every paragraph works like this "In our last interview in 1995 so and so spoke an interaction he had in 1975 where individuals asked him about his whereabouts in 1961." 3.) An editor. This book could have been one well written wikipedia entry. It did not have to be this long. At the end of the day here's what I gleaned: The assassination of JFK was executed by Charles Willoughby via David Atlee Phillips with the help of two unknown Cubans named Angel and Leopoldo. And THEY got Oswald to think he was helping out Castro when he wasn't. WTF.
Don't waste your time.
Still brutal. Still boring. Still unpersuasive. Must continue. - 7/26/13
This book was brutal. Boring boring boring. Basically, the author talked to a guy that may have known Lee Harvey Oswald prior to 11/22/63. But a bunch of people write this guy off as a mental case and ALMOST EVERYTHING that could be a clue in they book is speculative. Needs three things: 1.) visual map of the cast of characters or at least more substantial bios. There are 900 million people in this book and it's confusing to make all the connections. 2.) A timeline of events. Every paragraph works like this "In our last interview in 1995 so and so spoke an interaction he had in 1975 where individuals asked him about his whereabouts in 1961." 3.) An editor. This book could have been one well written wikipedia entry. It did not have to be this long. At the end of the day here's what I gleaned: The assassination of JFK was executed by Charles Willoughby via David Atlee Phillips with the help of two unknown Cubans named Angel and Leopoldo. And THEY got Oswald to think he was helping out Castro when he wasn't. WTF.
Don't waste your time.