
Graves' Anatomy by Adam Gierasch, Jace Anderson

cry279's review

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This story amused me in a good way. I think it did a bit too much creature descriptions but it wasn't out of context. The ending seemed too easy. Yet I am curious enough about the world and characters to read the next one.

see_sadie_read's review

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I was entertained by this and that’s all I ask of an urban fantasy book. I liked Luna and appreciated her struggle to adjust to her new circumstances. I liked the sense of place in the book. You really feel like you’ve visited the small slice of L.A. it’s set in. And I liked the general world and plot.

I did feel like the book got a little gleeful in it’s “Oooh, look at this weird creature” sometimes. Spending more time than needed cataloguing characteristics. I’m a little skeptical that the shadowkin would have left Luna alone her whole life (up until the period of the book), given the world’s set up. And the dissolution of the villains was anticlimactic, to say the least.

However, as I said, I was entertained. So, I’ll be looking for and checking out the second book ([b:Graves Danger|60127821|Graves Danger (Luna Graves #2)|Jace Anderson||94255016]).

ravennaspearl's review

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Really enjoyed this book and I’m looking forward to the next. It’s refreshing, not like anything I’ve read recently. Creative and unique spin on the monsters among us theme.