
Who Was Nikola Tesla? by Who HQ, Jim Gigliotti

eitakdid's review

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I'm really glad I read this. It nicely compresses a lot of complicated details of Tesla's life and inventions into an easy to read book. I was really interested to learn about the relationship between Edison and Tesla and this book gives some good insight without being biased.

dlsmall's review

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3.5/5…Leaves out some not even trivial stuff, but perfectly adequate for young readers.

esraa_gibreen's review

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"Many modern technological advances, like cell phones, the Internet, GPS, radio, television, radar, and neon signs, are built on Nikola’s groundbreaking work and ideas.

Part creative genius, part mad scientist, and completely ahead of
his time, Nikola Tesla made the electric age possible."

mayjulyn's review

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zaisgraph's review

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emotional informative inspiring sad fast-paced


This book is great for kids. Understandably watered down, I am glad that it did discuss Edison's thuggish behavior. That man was a criminal.

Nikola Tesla is one of the most important men who ever lived, and if he was protected, funded and appreciated during his time our civilization would be at least 500 years ahead at this point in time.

wxrners's review against another edition

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I wish it was more detailed. 

danallicalhoun's review against another edition

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I love reading this books with my son, recently he wants to read them on his own. So, this is the firs one i've read in awhile. I really enjoyed this book, the author did a good job talking about the important bits of Nikola Tesla's life, and I learned a lot throughout the book that I hadn't realized before.

icameheretoread's review

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I feel like I waited YEARS for this one! Yay to the WhoHQ people. Well done!