read_all_nite's review

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Mad Bear was a Tuscarora Indian from up around Niagra Falls. He was a medicine man, and quite a character, too. this book describes the author's experiences with him as they attempted to plan and attend various new agey type workshops before the new age really got kicked off--back in the late sixties to early eighties. Both Mad Bear and the author, Doug Boyd are now dead. Mad Bear back in the mid eighties and Doug Boyd, not all that long ago. I liked this book in a Findhorn Gardeny, My Dinner With Andre sort of way. I try to avoid reading a lot about American Indian spirituality (haven't we co-opted enough from them?), but this book reminded me of some of the Indians I have met. And some of the most attuned "spiritual leaders" I have met from a variety of spiritual traditions. So, in that way, it gave me a good old fashioned case of 1970's-era warm fuzzies. and the basic message of the book is good. Take care of the earth. Thank the earth. Good, earthy spirituality. It wasn't Shakespeare, but it was a pleasant, fast read.