megsginell's review

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101 Ways to Create Mindful Forgiveness: A Heart-healing Guide to Forgiveness, Apologies, and Mindfulness Tools for Peace
By Kelly Browne
HCI Books
Publication date: 3/7/23
(Health, Mind & Body)


101 Ways to Create Mindful Forgiveness is an overview and primer on everything related to forgiveness.

Forgiveness can be a hard thing to come by for many people. This book provides support in your quest to forgive others- and yourself. It covers forgiveness in all areas of life- romantic relationships, family, friends, children, work, society, as well as forgiveness for people who have passed.

Included are Mindful Moments, which are journal check-ins for further exploration.

This book covered a lot. It was a bit too broad for me but I’m sure it will appeal to many people.

Thanks to NetGalley, HCI Books, and Kelly Brown for this ARC.