ridgewaygirl's review against another edition

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Friedrich Glauser is a German writer who spent much of his life in psychiatric hospitals before dying at the age of 42. Glauser is also a classic crime novelist and Germany's crime fiction award is called the Glauser Prize.

In Matto's Realm is part of a series involving Detective Studer, this installment taking place in a Swiss psychiatric hospital. The director and a patient have gone missing and Studer, who has been demoted and disgraced, has been sent there to discretely make inquiries. The acting director has requested him personally. What Studer walks into is a complicated web of close, but not always friendly, relationships, with each person hiding something, none more than the enigmatic acting director, a psychiatrist who alternates between seemingly sincere friendship and a smiling mask.

First published in 1936, In Matto's Realm shows the living and working conditions in a supposedly modern institution. Glauser also says quite a lot about the difficulty the ordinary working man had in just making ends meet, and how that was often an insurmountable task. He has great sympathy for ordinary men broken by circumstance. In this, the book is interesting and an important memory of the past. On the other hand, the mystery itself was convoluted and required a lengthy explanation at the end of the book, which is where most of the action occurs.

This is a worthwhile book if you're interested in Europe during the interwar years or in the history of the German mystery novel. Nonetheless, as a crime novel it falls short, although there are a few intriguing characters and Glauser writes with real empathy for the people at the bottom of society.

jarichan's review against another edition

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Mein erster Erlebnis mit dem berühmten Friedrich Glauser. Leider muss ich gestehen, dass Hörspiele, wenn auch ungekürzt, wohl nicht meins sind. Ich habe nämlich nicht das Gefühl, viel von der Geschichte mitbekommen zu haben. Vielleicht lag es aber auch an der Kürze der Erzählung?

Auf jeden Fall bin ich froh, noch die gedruckte Version daheim zu haben und diese dann noch zu lesen. Damit ich wirklich alles mitbekomme. Hoffentlich habe ich nicht zu viel verpasst.

Interessant fand ich dagegen die Geschichte "Kif", gelesen von Glauser höchstselbst. Eine der wenigen (gar die einzige?) verbliebenen Aufnahmen des Autors. Das macht das ganze Erlebnis natürlich umso eindringlicher; vor allem auch, da ich vieles daraus nachvollziehen konnte ;)