
The Truth Commission by Susan Juby

urhomie's review against another edition

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skimmed through half the middle of the book because it was just so slow and tbh a bit boring.

he_j's review against another edition

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I loved Susan Juby's Woefield #1 & #2. It tickled the farm girl in me. I was not sure about this YA book and it took me a long time to get into it. However I was pleasantly surprise, delighted, entertained, and concerned about the main characters. It is good for me to get out of my historical fiction genre and try new and more youthful themes.
It was inspiring in April to see Susan Juby accept the Excellence in Culture Award from Nanaimo. Long over due since she's received so many other awards to date. Really "stoked" to see if she wins the 2016 Leacock Award for The Republic of Dirt.
Keep the books rolling Susan Juby!

jentastic76's review against another edition

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I was really impressed with this. The story is odd but riveting.

daphneg62's review against another edition

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Oh my goodness. I can't even think after reading this book, it was just so surprising and breathtaking. Loved the different characters, especially the main three.

bookishfreeman's review against another edition

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A decent read, but I can honestly say I skipped reading the footnotes.

emilybmorgan02's review against another edition

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This was a pretty interesting read. There was a bit of humor, a bit of love, a bit of mystery, and bit of drama. I enjoyed the characters and it read quite quickly...which is a nice change of pace sometimes.

beckmank's review against another edition

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The novel in your hands is a piece of “creative nonfiction” that Normandy is writing as a project for her junior year of high school. In the beginning there were a lot of footnotes, which I found distracting. The YA reader (to whom this book is geared towards) may not. Besides the amount of footnotes – which do lessen as the chapters go on – I liked the perspective of the book and the way the story is told through her project.

Normandy and her two best friends (Neil and Dusk) form the Truth Commission, whose mission is to ask someone a question and get an honest answer. The book takes an interesting spin when someone states, "I must have got that wrong. I thought that spiritual practice involved asking yourself the truth." At this point, the novel changes.

Normandy has got some hard questions to ask herself about the truths going on in her life. The main piece of that involves her sister, who has mysteriously returned home from college with a secret that she’s not sharing with anyone. Once Normandy turns the questions and the truth discovery onto herself, things really start to get interesting. As Oscar Wilde states, “The truth is rarely pure and never simple.” As Normandy begins to peel the onion away to get to her sister’s truth, she discovers how accurate Mr. Wilde’s statement is.

This was a fun young adult novel with interesting characters. Not everything ties up neatly into a bow at the end, which felt right.

For my full review, please visit my blog, Hidden Staircase.

Thanks to the First to Read program for providing me with an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. The quote in this review comes from the copy I received, which was uncorrected text.

pam_e13's review against another edition

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Fascinating way of story telling.

stacyd's review against another edition

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Love, love, LOVE this book.

micou's review against another edition

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