
Sparks by Ashley C. Harris

momwithareadingproblem's review

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A BIG thank you to Barclay Publicity for providing a copy for review! This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

by [a:Ashley C. Harris|6007331|Ashley C. Harris|] picks up two weeks after the end of Shock Me and our characters are feeling paranoia and true fear as their world has turned upside down. FAIR WARNING…IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE FIRST BOOK OF THIS SERIES, DO NOT READ THIS REVIEW AS THERE WILL BE SOME SPOILERS FROM BOOK ONE. Donna, Rebecca, and Spencer are on edge after the death of their friend Paul at the hands of Randy, Ryan, and Lynn. Donna is still adjusting to her new electric powers, Rebecca is grieving, and Spencer for the first time in a long time is worried about something other than his step-father. Randy is angry at his father and the Electrolite that caused Paul’s death, Ryan is struggling to balance his popular jock image with the beast that resides in him, and Lynn is vying for Ryan’s affections as he becomes more and more distant. When a virus knocks out the security at the power plant, everyone is a suspect, and no one knows who they can trust.

Characters to Love and Hate

Donna Young has to be one of my favorite characters in a young adult series to date! She is shy, quite, and basically a fly on the wall in her small town. No one sees her except for her friends. At least that is what she thinks. As she becomes more and more confident with her powers, it translates over to her everyday life as well and others take notice. Donna becomes this fierce, outspoken, young woman who cares for her family and friends and will do anything to protect them.

Ryan Applegate is no longer the pretty boy jock, unattainable crush from from the first book. Oh no! Now he is the ex-best friend of Donna, the crazed beast who tried to rip her to shreds and would have if her ability didn’t stop him, and seems to be more concerned with making daddy happy than the rest of the world. Ryan goes a bit off the deep end, obsessing over Donna and her welfare, training extra hard, and even making Randy look sane by comparison. I was a bit in love with him last book even after he unknowingly tried to kill Donna, now I’m not so sure. His obsession becomes even worse after Donna tells him to leave her alone (which I applauded and cheered her for!).

Randy Applegate is also struggling a bit this book. He was last book too, but now we know why and I kinda love him! He’s angry, at his father, at the unknown Electrolite (Donna), and at Paul’s unnecessary death. He rebels as much as he possibly can, but he sticks around for one reason and one reason only…Ryan. He has to protect his brother, the only person he considers family. How can you not love that?!

Rebecca and Spencer are the two best friends anyone could ever ask for. Even grieving, Rebecca is there for Donna, trying to help her by looking through Paul’s old files about what she is. And Spencer, he’s like a brother to both girls. He’s protective and always trying to make them smile. I love them :D

The Plot (Action, Action, & More Action)

As I stated earlier, Sparks picks up two weeks after the end of Shock Me and the characters’ lives have been turned upside down. What they thought they knew about their small hometown is proving to be false. The power plant is just a front for a government run agency full of people with special powers like Donna. And Donna’s ex-best friend, his brother and her godfather are all in on the secret. Donna and her friends don’t know who they can trust, and Donna has to be extra careful around the Applegates.

Then, from the grave, Paul releases a virus into the computer systems at the power plant, killing their security protocols and basically putting them in a black out. One thing leads to another and Donna is face to face with Randy and Ryan yet again! But there is more at stake now. Donna must stay hidden and there are others like her that need to be rescued.

Even more startling is the discovery that Donna’s brother who ran away when she was little, may not have run away. What if Mr. Applegate took him like the other children? This sends Donna and her friends on a frantic search.

Like I said, this plot has action and suspense on every page! I couldn’t read it fast enough. The suspense coupled with the intricate details and the slow-revealing of secrets inside the power plant make for a fast-paced read. Also I love, absolutely 100% LOVE the alternating points of view. There are multiple which take a bit of getting used too, but it gives such a full picture of what is going on in the lives of these characters.

My Conclusion

READ IT!!! I can’t say enough how much I loved this book. I love the characters, the alternating points of view, the action-packed plot, and of course the mystery behind the Biomax Soldiers. Book One was just as good and if you haven’t read it, I highly suggest you do so before picking this one up because you will be lost without it! If you enjoy young adult fiction, coming-of-age, fantasy, and science fiction than you want, no you NEED this book. You won’t be disappointed ;)

momwithareadingproblem's review against another edition

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Collide by Ashley C. Harris is book three of her Shock Me series and picks up right where we left off in Sparks. **Note unavoidable spoilers ahead. If you haven't read the first two books of this series, read at your own risk** Donna and Spencer are under attack by the first Biomax soldier, he's stolen her powers and somehow she has to best him to save herself and Spencer. Randy and Ryan are at the football game in the middle of town when the Biomax soldier shows up with the Electrolyte's powers and is chasing Donna. Now how will they keep the whole town from finding out their secrets? This addition to the Shock Me series is one intense read from start to finish. All my favorite characters are back and there's a lot of suspense, lying, and just all around confusion as Donna and her friends hide from the Applegates.

Donna is by far one of my favorite superheroes. She's witty, smart, and not afraid to protect those she loves. But how far will she have to go? In this book we see just how far she is willing to go and truthfully it breaks my heart. She is willing to die for these people, she's willing to let a friend's mind be completely erased of her to save him, and she gives up Cody. It's just heartbreaking!

Ryan is still my favorite baddie/goodie (does that make sense?!) He loves Donna, it's no secret except to the clueless Donna. He let them erase her mind of his abilities when they were kids, he's kept his distance, all in an effort to keep her safe from himself. However when the Biomax soldier appears chasing Donna, the animal side of him takes over and he's no longer willing to keep his distance. He loves her, he will protect her, and if it's the last thing he ever does he will save her from the Electrolyte (Note that that means he will be killing the girl he loves....gotta love irony ;) )

Randy however will always hold my heart :D I just love him! In this book, Randy's character really grows into himself. He gets out from under his father's leash and finds his own cause in....Rebecca. Yep, that's right. Little shy Rebecca, Donna's BFF, Paul's ex, and genius! It's kinda cute, but maybe I'm reading into things ;)

And then there's Spencer. Can't write a review without mentioning him.....I just....I really have no words for him. He risks his life at the end of Spark to save Donna. He has no clue about his real father, though Donna finds out from the Biomax soldier. Then he gets his mind wiped of everything/anything to do with Donna's abilities. Also Saul (the mind wiper) erases their close bond so when Spencer's mom suggests a move back to Florida, he goes for it. AND DONNA DOES NOT STOP HIM!!!!! My heart is broken :(

The plot of this story really focuses on Donna and keeping her secret from the Applegates who are hot on her trail. There's a couple of side plots as the Applegates track down the escaped Biomax kids from the NY facility and of course the first Biomax soldier as well. Then there's David who Donna is trying to figure out. There's a lot going on in just 200 pages!

Unfortunately because there's so much going on at times I got a little lost in the story and felt like maybe I had skipped a page or something. Also the head hopping. I kinda like it for this series but at times it's a little overwhelming. I mean you have the main character Donna, but then there is also Rebecca, David, Randy, Ryan, and Spencer all who get points of view (though Spencer is the exception this book). It can be a bit much, especially during intense scenes that the characters switch POV every few paragraphs!

And the ending!!!!!
SpoilerI CANNOT believe that Spencer SHOT Randy and took Rebecca!!! What the heck?! What's going on?! What has happened to my Spencer :(

Overall I enjoy this series. I love Donna and her X-men-ish abilities! The Biomax soldiers and the background story that is starting to take shape is just amazing! I can't wait for more from this world and I'm SO excited the author is releasing a short from Spencer's POV as he is not in this book very much! I <3 Spencer :D If you enjoy young adult, action, adventure, superheroes, and a tiny bit of romance, check out the series! You will not regret that decision :D

Review in a Gif: