
The Perfect Project: A Book about Autism by Tracy Packiam Alloway

kcup's review

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I wish this book had been around when my daughter was younger. I think it would have been beneficial for her teachers and classmates alike. The book presents information about how kids with autism may react to certain things but in story form. At the end, there is a ton of information about Autism and its implications in the classroom as well as in social situations. I could see a parent sharing this resource with a child's teacher because it really does a nice job in describing behaviors and how to gently work through them.

novelesque_life's review

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2019; Quarto Publishing Group - QEB Publishing
(Review Not on Blog)

Autism has a range on the spectrum, so while this book has just some general characteristics, but it is one character. I think this is a great book that can spark discussion with children. Parents and teachers can begin with this, using the tips in the back of the book. I like the illustrations in this one.

***I received an eARC from NETGALLEY***

bargainandbooks's review

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Gorgeous illustrations in a book to help us learn about autism. I felt this book was soft and kind while giving us some really great information. It did no let paint Charlie as damaged or slow, just different. Charlie has his own strengths and the teacher and the children helped to encourage him to use them. I felt it had helpful tips and really interesting facts.

etienne02's review

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This book and series, always focus on children problems but unfortunately it never achieve it,s purpose in my personal and professional opinion (profession because I work with those kids with difficulties/problems). This one focus on autism and present the adaptation difficulties that the child have well enough, but the intervention always work fine, the kid is super open to communicate even in a crisis and everything is just too polish and too easy to make it realistic. I won't read any of those. They are not garbage, just to be clear, but just not educaative or realistic enough to be worth it, they have some good elements here and there and you can get something out of them, bu just not enough for me.