ashhoff's review against another edition

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challenging informative reflective medium-paced


mantaman0a's review against another edition

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This book was hard to pick up again after putting down.

There is a bit too much meandering name-dropping for it to be enjoyably readable. I wished Atwood would have just spoken boldly without feeling the need to reference so many other people.

bgeorgiam's review against another edition

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informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


such an interesting yet obvious way of looking at writing and reading. margaret is so knowledgable and shows us exactly what are the pitfalls of this knowledge.

lucy_goosey7's review against another edition

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One of the best books I've read on considering the craft of writing. Will return to this again and again.

titus_hjelm's review against another edition

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I have to admit that I hadn't read anything by Atwood earlier, but will do for sure now. This is not a 'how to be a writer' guide, nor even an autobiographical account of the craft (although there is a bit of that too). It's a literary, witty, thematic contemplation of the writer's life. Much recommended.

doitnowanna's review against another edition

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Not entirely what I expected. I was looking for more like Stephen Kings On Writing, and instead I received an authors discussion of a bunch of other stories and writings and how she sees a writer being pulled out of that.

ankyslibrary's review against another edition

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inspiring slow-paced


spentcello's review against another edition

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funny informative reflective slow-paced


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redfae's review against another edition

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I didn’t finish this book. It wasn’t for me. Maybe I’ll revisit one day in the future. 

It is exactly as the title suggests - Margaret chatting about different writers and writing, and includes some interesting insights on her life and thoughts on the subject. 

mel_st's review against another edition

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The three-star rating is more a reflection of where I was when reading this rather than the book as such. Five chapters on various aspects of why writers write, and what they are doing when they write. I think the mismatch for me was the very analytical approach which I would normally enjoy but was probably a bit much for the way I was feeling at the time. As always though she has such a way with words. A few delicious phrases:

Referring to the task of writing: "laboring in the wordmines" This phrase really captured that grappling, and bringing out the right word.

On finding that the nickname she had been called was not her real name: "What a revelation it was for me to discover that I was not who I was! And that I had another identity lurking out of sight, like an empty suitcase stashed in a closet, waiting to be filled."