
Obama's Wars by Bob Woodward

fitzfitty's review against another edition

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This was a pretty quick read considering the content. I enjoyed getting the in-depth look at the decision-making process.

ccdova's review against another edition

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Fascinating view into presidential decision making.

leonardoz's review against another edition

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It amazes me how Woodward gets access to so much classified materials, and frankly why a lot of the people he quotes tell him all the information they know will get published in the book.

laurapetto's review against another edition

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not as good as his other books...

tysonpeveto's review against another edition

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This was a great read for anybody wanting to know how Obama's administration makes big military decisions. Whether you agree with said decisions or not, the book shows how much thought and intelligent debate goes into them. I was impressed.

satchmo100's review against another edition

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Interesting book about Obama's exhaustive process of making a decision on the way forward in Afghanistan. Obama's very thoughtful, some would say too thoughtful, gathering of all viewpoints in the civilian and military leadership is in stark contrast to W's willful ignorance of those pesky things called facts in making his catostrophic decisions that America is still dealing with. Unfortunately, with the Afganistan strategy review coming due this month, I have a feeling that we're not any closer to an end game there than when Obama announced the new strategy in November of 2009. Time to declare victory and bring our guys home.

cecrooks's review against another edition

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Shit. Being President is a hard job.

andyber's review against another edition

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I really enjoy these "behind-the-scenes" accounts. I've read most/all of Woodward's work and it's always a good time.

Most interesting thing about this one - I finished it and was thinking about how I admire Gen. Jones, and then he announces his immediate resignation, citing his portrayal in this book as a key reason. Now, Donilon will be his successor, and I feel like I have a good handle on him from the account in this book.

brettstewart's review against another edition

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The narrative if this book focuses on the troop count sent to Afghanistan. While interesting, it sometimes has all the drama of an accounting textbook. In the end, I'm not sure I understand much more than mere personalities of the Obama cabinet.

dspitler's review against another edition

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challenging informative reflective slow-paced
