gonzaval's review against another edition

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informative inspiring reflective sad tense slow-paced


velax1's review against another edition

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"Worte sind wie winzige Arsendosen: sie werden unbemerkt verschluckt, sie scheinen keine Wirkung zu tun, und nach einiger Zeit ist die Giftwirkung da."

Es gibt SO viel mehr zu diesem Buch zu sagen (und auch Gründe, warum es vielleicht doch 4.55 Punkte werden sollten, aber eher 5 als 4). So, SO viel mehr. Aber ich belasse es zuerst bei dem obigen Zitat, das so viel zusammenfasst und so, SO aktuell ist.

eileen_daly_boas's review against another edition

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Such a good book. Lots to think about, but very readable. Scary and sad, but the careful delineation of the changes in language is really interesting.

chiaravt's review against another edition

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dark emotional informative reflective sad slow-paced


sareidle's review against another edition

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dark informative reflective slow-paced


I learned a lot about the nuance of the German language and how the language of the Third Reich persisted after 1945. Klemperer's perspective as a Jewish academic who stayed in the country for the duration of the Nazi regime is compelling, both in his lived experience and what he read in publications at the time. The book consists of essays on various elements of the language, so it is not meant to be read cover-to-cover and some observations are repeated. However, the chapters on the symbolism of the star and the religious connotations of the language were incredibly well-done and I will definitely return to them.

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seendra's review against another edition

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informative reflective medium-paced


thefacehugger's review against another edition

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reflective medium-paced


katjakon's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


Eine kluge Reflexion über Sprache und Sprachwandel in Deutschland unter Hitler. Klemperer beschreibt eindringlich und persönlich, wie Sprache unser Denken und Denken unsere Sprache beeinflusst.

tindows's review against another edition

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dark informative medium-paced


elliotlit's review against another edition

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informative inspiring reflective tense fast-paced
