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erin_oriordan_is_reading_again's review
Based on the blurb, I thought this book would be more about a couple of closeted actors trying to hide their relationship. In fact, it takes more than half the pages in this book for Keith and Carl to even realize they want to be a couple. Only at the very end are they worried about the media. They're supposedly straight guys, and this is their first same-sex attraction. There are some nice scenes of sexual tension, and when they do get together, there's some nice sexual chemistry. However, as other reviewers have pointed out, the incredible pleasure they derive from intercourse so quickly seems a bit unrealistic, and these characters have an unfortunate tendency to cuss a blue streak in the heat of passion. Previous reviewers are also justified in saying that the ending is very abrupt and leaves some loose ends. I might give the second book in the series a chance, but I'm not anxious to run out and get it or download it right now.
lizabethstucker's review
Action 1.
Straight actor Keith O'Leary has been given a great opportunity, a role in the new cable drama Forever Young. The only problem is that his character is gay. Luckily his co-star and on-screen lover, Carl Bronson, is patient and willing to teach him what to do. Keith never expected to become attracted to his co-star.
While an interesting idea, the actual product just seemed amateur. Keith is so childish and whiny. Carl isn't much better and he is supposed to be in his very early 30s. They are both immature in their actions and reactions. Despite my best efforts, I just couldn't root for either of these men. There is also a very abrupt ending. I presume this is meant to encourage readers to buy the second in the series, but I'm sorry, I don't think so. I like my m/m heroes to be more secure in their sexuality, even if they aren't in their relationships. 3 out of 5.
Straight actor Keith O'Leary has been given a great opportunity, a role in the new cable drama Forever Young. The only problem is that his character is gay. Luckily his co-star and on-screen lover, Carl Bronson, is patient and willing to teach him what to do. Keith never expected to become attracted to his co-star.
While an interesting idea, the actual product just seemed amateur. Keith is so childish and whiny. Carl isn't much better and he is supposed to be in his very early 30s. They are both immature in their actions and reactions. Despite my best efforts, I just couldn't root for either of these men. There is also a very abrupt ending. I presume this is meant to encourage readers to buy the second in the series, but I'm sorry, I don't think so. I like my m/m heroes to be more secure in their sexuality, even if they aren't in their relationships. 3 out of 5.
evila_elf's review
The book started out amazing. This struggling actor hired for the only role he could get: a boyfriend for the soon-to-be-out-of-the-closet star of a soap opera. I loved the first 100 pages of it, as they got over their uncomfortableness and started to get feelings for each other. Then they had sex and the book went downhill. It went from a sweet story with a fun plot to erotica, which I am not a fan of at all. Corny sex-dialogue, pet names, the whole works. While I could understand the soap opera having bad porn dialogue, I would prefer it to stay out of the main story.
A few other pet peeves:
They called each other by their names way too often. How often do you say the name of the person you are talking to? Not 5+ times in one conversation.
The Point of View switched way too much. I don't really care to know each person's thoughts during each scene.
I am being so...harsh?...mainly because I am disappointed in everything past page 100...or whatever page it was.
Before the sex: 4 stars
Everything after: 1 star
A few other pet peeves:
They called each other by their names way too often. How often do you say the name of the person you are talking to? Not 5+ times in one conversation.
The Point of View switched way too much. I don't really care to know each person's thoughts during each scene.
I am being so...harsh?...mainly because I am disappointed in everything past page 100...or whatever page it was.
Before the sex: 4 stars
Everything after: 1 star
scorchingnix's review
When Keith is offered the part of a gay man on one of America’s longest running soaps, he has to decide whether he can get over his discomfort about touching another man. Realising that it would be stupid to let the chance of a lifetime pass him by, he grits his teeth and gets on with the job at hand. Turning up on set, he realises that things are much worse than he originally anticipates. Upon meeting Carl, his co-star in the show, Keith starts to question his sexuality. With every kiss and touch that the script demands, Keith has to hide his growing sexual attraction towards his gorgeous leading man. It never crosses his mind that Carl could feel the same way. Carl doesn’t seem bothered by his attraction, but having never been given any hints that his feelings are mutual, he contents himself with their burgeoning friendship. When the physical evidence of Keith’s attraction becomes apparent, things start to heat up. However, Keith has always thought of himself as straight, can he ever accept the feelings that he has towards a man? In addition, if the secret ever comes out, will they still have the career they both cherish?
Acting Naughty is the first in the Action series. Did I like it enough to read more? Sure, but I’m in no rush to do so! I enjoy M/M stories where the characters have to accept their feelings before the relationship can begin. Keith and Carl were good well-rounded characters and I actually cared about their stories. Keith’s biggest issue with his feelings for Carl was how everyone else would react to them. I can imagine that that would be the biggest issue for coming out and I was very happy when he started to accept that his feelings should come first. The sexual tension built nicely throughout the story, with them playing out their feelings on camera which inevitably amped up their desire off screen! There is no way this show would be aired pre-watershed in the UK...some of those scenes *phew* :D I liked the way the author built up their camaraderie before they started with the smexing; I sometimes feel that books fail to establish anything other than the physical relationship, and this certainly wasn’t the case here. When they finally do succumb to the that is some serious chemistry! Obviously, there are some trials and tribulations, no, I’m not spoiling them, because they play a role in the plot. None of the secondary characters were particulary well built, so I actually didn’t care for any of them. This wasn’t a problem until I realised that Keith was unfaithful to his girlfriend Patty and I actually did not care, which is completely out of character for me! I do have one massive issue with this tale; the end was too sudden. I know there is a sequel, but this book was unfinished! It didn’t stop at a cliffhanger, it didn’t stop with a particular plot being finished, it just finished and EVERYTHING was left undone. It will make me read number two, but I would have preferred to read it because I wanted to, rather than I had to!
Acting Naughty is the first in the Action series. Did I like it enough to read more? Sure, but I’m in no rush to do so! I enjoy M/M stories where the characters have to accept their feelings before the relationship can begin. Keith and Carl were good well-rounded characters and I actually cared about their stories. Keith’s biggest issue with his feelings for Carl was how everyone else would react to them. I can imagine that that would be the biggest issue for coming out and I was very happy when he started to accept that his feelings should come first. The sexual tension built nicely throughout the story, with them playing out their feelings on camera which inevitably amped up their desire off screen! There is no way this show would be aired pre-watershed in the UK...some of those scenes *phew* :D I liked the way the author built up their camaraderie before they started with the smexing; I sometimes feel that books fail to establish anything other than the physical relationship, and this certainly wasn’t the case here. When they finally do succumb to the that is some serious chemistry! Obviously, there are some trials and tribulations, no, I’m not spoiling them, because they play a role in the plot. None of the secondary characters were particulary well built, so I actually didn’t care for any of them. This wasn’t a problem until I realised that Keith was unfaithful to his girlfriend Patty and I actually did not care, which is completely out of character for me! I do have one massive issue with this tale; the end was too sudden. I know there is a sequel, but this book was unfinished! It didn’t stop at a cliffhanger, it didn’t stop with a particular plot being finished, it just finished and EVERYTHING was left undone. It will make me read number two, but I would have preferred to read it because I wanted to, rather than I had to!
machalou's review
I tried really hard to like this book, but like so much of Hauser's work, it came across as overly simplistic with insipid dialogue. The troubling part is that her characterizations are usually really interesting, so I did find myself really invested in Keith and Carl, but overall, the writing just didn't hold up. The relationship is very sweet, and while I wouldn't mind reading more about these two, I think I will have to take a break from the series.