
Red-Blooded American Male: Photographs by Robert Trachtenberg

janine1122's review against another edition

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I love photography (looking at it, not engaging in it as a pasttime), and I'm a sucker for most things related to pop culture. Trachtenberg combines both of those things in a way that I adored.

I love the ways his pictures relate to the subjects in them, whether as the personas the public sees them as, or specific projects he's shooting them for. There's a lot of humor, but the photography is also just really clean and beautiful. I took a lot of pictures of pictures contained within this book just so I can go back and look at them whenever I want.

I appreciated him sticking with a theme for this book, showing men (mostly American) in such a variety of poses and themes, exemplifying the many, many levels of "masculinity" and what it means to be a man. Some of my favorite pictures were not even of people I liked or knew in some cases, but the story they told was one I loved. I overlooked my strong dislike of Jimmy Fallon, for example, to admire a picture of him in Victoria's Secret Angel wings, standing on top of a building and looking over NYC. It is a beautiful and powerful picture. A series of photos of Scott Eastwood are fun, and funny, and remind you once again just how damn good-looking he is. There's a great picture of Ryan Seacrest in his signature suit, beginning to fade out digitally.

Trachtenberg takes non-traditionally "hot" men and plays with the idea of them as sex symbols in a playful way. He also takes those more traditional sex symbols and lets them play, showing them in a more humorous light, rather than just focusing on their looks and masculinity.

I really enjoyed paging through this book looking at the pictures and reading some of the anecdotes that shared where the photo ideas came from. It was fun, and I can definitely see myself purchasing this book in the future to have on display on my currently non-existent nice coffee table.

kjv89's review against another edition

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Some of this (i.e. Elon Musk, Kevin Spacey, Logan Paul) did not age well. Still fun though.

librarylandlisa's review against another edition

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Wow! I loved this book and the way it I received a copy of the book through the eyes of Trachtenberg. The people captured in these pictures are interesting to begin with, but it is wonderful to see their spirits captured in these sometimes whimsical pictures. Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

labunnywtf's review against another edition

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Received via Netgalley in exchange for a fair review.

I want so badly to post pictures from this book in this review. Which is ridiculous, because a) the book isn't out yet, and b) isn't that the whole point of buying the book?

But ohmigawd do I want to post some of these pictures for everyone to enjoy as much as I did. I will only say, Neil Patrick Harris in a bathtub. Kellan Lutz with "For Sale" written on his bare chest.

So much more.

This book is amazing and pretty. The photography is fantastic in itself, the subjects are clearly having a blast and actually enjoying being shot by Robert Trachtenberg.

I need this book.

erincataldi's review against another edition

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This coffee table collection of photographs is stunning, visually appealing, and hilariously awesome. Photographer Robert Trachtenberg does an amazing job of catching his male subjects (not all of whom are American like the title applies, for which he apologies numerously) in out of the ordinaary poses and manages to have fun and catch the ridiculousness of the everyday without poking fun at the subjects themselves. You'll find yourself giggling over the absurdity of Will Ferrel, Paul Rudd, JAmes van der Beek, and more. Many of the photographs are accompanied by an amusing story or tidbit about the actor in question. Another great thing is that not all the subjects are actors, there are some musicians, politicians, comedians, non-celebrities and more (as well as a few women). A great addition to any coffee table and a wonderful holiday gift for the comedian or photographer in your life.

I received this book for free from Blogging for Books in return for my honest, unbiased opinion.

sjj169's review against another edition

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My friend Sandra posted a little tease of this book this morning. She posted a pic of Neal Patrick Harris.
In a tub.

I realized I had this book and ran to open the sucker so I could READ it. Yes, I read it. I didn't just look at it "for the pictures."

Actually, this book is freaking beautiful.
Palm Springs commercial photography

Not only that...Trachtenberg writes little snippets of stories that go with the photos.
Like this one...
Palm Springs commercial photography
This was for Rolling Stone's "Hot" issue. It seemed absurd to do anything where we tried to make Rudd look deliberately "hot." His 'hotness' comes effortlessly. He agreed we should mock the whole notion of "hot." He agree to get in the bed. He agree the boxers were getting in the way and dropped them. Months later, he sent me a nice note saying friends had seen the photo on the walls of gay bars across America and he couldn't be more proud.

Mama likey.

Trachtenberg took this one of Nick Offerman and Chelsea Handler:
Palm Springs commercial photography
They had never met before this photo. I'm still haunted by Offerman's final words to me before he dropped his pants. "Please. Be gentle with me."

I want a copy of this book. I don't give a damn that it is forty frigging dollars. It's one that must be held in your hands. It's one that I could completely post every frigging photo and story that goes with it..but that's spoilery. I'll behave. I'm writing the name of this book on a slip and putting it in my husband's wallet right now. I hope it comes wrapped. Because I can tell him it's educational.

Palm Springs commercial photography

I can't find some of the images I wanted to show in this I'm ticked off and I'm going to go look at this book some more.
Palm Springs commercial photography

Booksource: Netgalley and publisher in exchange for review

PS! I totally just got my greedy little hands on a hardcover of this book. It's even more beautiful than I imagined.

Palm Springs commercial photography
Of course, Sandra's review is getting the highlight for this one. She is a total book pusher and pushes books on my innocence all the time. My husband thanks her.

bookstacksamber's review against another edition

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I really loved this photography book. What a wonderfully diverse cast of men. I was pleasantly surprised to find diverse gender identities, sexualities, races, religions, and ages all depicted throughout. I loved the photos, but my favorite were the anecdotal stories that went along with many of the shoots. It was interesting to read which subjects came up with their own ideas, and how various shoots were done. Highly recommend this one.

glassesgirl79's review against another edition

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This was an entertaining book with photos of old and new celebrities. Some of my favorite photos were of Neil Patrick Harris, Dennis Leary and Jack Black just to name a few. If you're a lover of photography, definitely check this book out.

carolanncdematos's review against another edition

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As a child and teen, my one wish was to be a photographer. I loved the sounds of my vintage (even at that time) K1000 Pentax, film-based, camera. I fell in love with American photographer Margaret Bourke-White and French photographer Veronique Vial, and the way these women saw and captured moments of their world. I remember having to explain to my mother that I should be allowed to see and own Vial's book, "Women Before 10am" because there was nothing inappropriate or pornographic about the nudity displayed, it was art – beautiful, poignant, real, art. Then you grow up, and someone tells you there is no money in photography, or that some other field would be more secure, and although photography is and will always be my first love, it is not my day-to-day career as I so wished once upon a time.

This book, "Red-Blooded American Male" by Robert Trachtenberg, brought me back to my teenage years and renewed my wonder towards photography. This book so very much reminded me of Vial's "Women", and I enjoyed flipping through each and every page over and over again. The little stories that accompanied some images helped the photo collection become that much more fantastic. Although, I did not previously know of this photographer, I am very glad to have been introduced to Trachtenberg, and to have been able to experience how he sees the world.

heatherly's review against another edition

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With commentary as hilarious and captivating as his photos, Robert Trachtenberg's Red-Blooded American Male is a visual and comical delight. Each of his photos is a complete, invariably entertaining story caught in a fraction of time. Get ready to become a fan if you aren't already because Trachtenberg is truly a treasure.