
Night Wish: A Short Prequel to A Wish Upon Jasmine by Laura Florand

lifeand100books's review

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Short scene meant to be a prequel for A Wish Upon Jasmine. I highly recommend reading it AFTER you've read Jasmine.

jen286's review

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This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

Night Wish is a special present from Laura Florand to her readers this holiday season. If you have read A Wish Upon Jasmine you know Jess and Damien. If you are like me then you loved reading their story and would be super excited to read just a bit more. If you haven't read that book yet you should. It is amazing. Then come back and read Nigh Wish as Florand suggests, or if you start here you can go on to A Wish Upon Jasmine and finish their story.

Night Wish is the story of the first meeting of Jess and Damien. They meet one night at a perfume launch party and they are both taken with the other. If you love the way Florand tells a story you will love this. Everything is so magical and I loved seeing that first meeting though Jess' eyes. It is short and a quick read, but a perfect little extra morsel to savor of this wonderful couple.

anabelsbrother's review

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also ughhh so short but gah at least it satisfied my curiosity

I just love Damien and Jess so much ok ok ok

hatgirl's review

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aimee70807's review

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I adore this author's novels and appreciated a free short story. But this was really closer to erotica than romance --- basically just a buildup to a sex scene. Disappointing.