
Wild Nights by Tina Wainscott

courtneyhf's review

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Review for Wild Nights (Justiss Alliance #3) by Tina Wainscott:

I'll start off by saying that I have not read Book #1 or 2 of this series so I was walking in blind so to speak.

That being said, it was a fun read. This is only the second contemporary romance novel I have read and I think I'm starting to become a begrudging fan.

Let's begin with the plot shall we? While major plot developments and much needed interruptions occurred at miraculously convenient times that occasionally had my eyes rolling, every thing happened in a reasonable and naturally progressive manner. I loved the action, snooping, and sneaking around. On several occasions I found myself with sweaty palms and a racing heart! There is a wonderful balance of action, romance, and character building throughout. This novel deals with the very real and traumatizing issue of date rape. The discussions and character development regarding this matter are all very realistic and devastating. I was right there with the women dealing with the topic, feeling their every emotion, though I have never personally dealt with date rape or the drugs involved. Kudos to our author for being honest and forthright in discussing and confronting this terrible issue.

The only real barriers I had with the novel were the inconvenient timing of the love scenes and that the beginning of the book was a little cheesy. I found myself rolling my eyes and snorting a couple of times in the beginning but by the middle I was 100% invested. I think it just took me a while to get use to our Hero and his very nonchalant and flirty/cheesy manner (we later find out this is sort of a defense mechanism). It likely took me so long to click in because I was walking into the series quite late. Knowing this and having faith in the author, I just stuck with it until I had a feel for our hero and then things evened out.

With the love scenes it always seemed like our characters picked the absolute worst possible times to get into it but they would just throw caution to the wind and go at it anyway. Due to the tension constantly present during these scenes, it was almost impossible to sit back and enjoy them. I found myself yelling, "HURRY UP!" or "REALLY? NOW?" on several occasions. I, honestly, don't even remember if they were sweet moments or intensely passionate and wild. I was more worried about the big baddies and the potential danger lurking in the background. This was made more frustrating by the fact that there were plenty of opportunities to have nice, calm, passionate, and peaceful love scenes elsewhere in the book but they were never taken! Whyyyy Tina Wainscott? I just about had stress related heart attacks each time! Maybe that was the point? Who knows. It was stressful, but fun and exciting so who can complain?

Let's move along to our Heroine, Jennessy Shaw (she explains the name, I promise). I love me a strong heroine and our author does not disappoint. Ms Shaw is, at times, self-doubting and confused but mostly ready for a change in her life. I have a soft spot for authors that give their heroines a flaw that ends up being endearing. In this case, Jennessy's wild, curly, uninhibited hair! I loved it! It makes it so much easier to bond and connect with a heroine when you both understand that she isn't perfect. Flaws help us forgive heroines when they make all their silly mistakes, even if the flaw is something as simple as crazy hair. Don't know why, that's just the way it is, and I appreciate our author for throwing us a bone as Jennessy is basically perfect in every other possible way. Our Heroine is intelligent, capable, brave, and get this, she doesn't dress like a freaking prostitute! Even on an island full of naked/scantily clad individuals our heroine is modest but sexy. Go figure! She's a kick ass partner for our Hero and isn't afraid to take her own life and and justice into her own hands. Honestly, what isn't to love about her?

Our Hero is Superman. Not even kidding. In his disguise on the island he is dressed down, nerdy, and needy (which is important for his undercover mission) but as he starts to take off his disguise pieces, he begins to get taller, broader, and more heroic. I couldn't believe it! Someone has been reading too many comics (here's looking at you Miss Wainscott). What can I say? I loved it. I have a strange thing for Superman and superheros in general so Mr Saxby Cole was a dream boat for me. Sax is from an old Louisiana family so you expect some kind of southern accent but his is awkward and comes and goes randomly which was a little distracting but otherwise he is astonishing. A gentleman down to his toes and handsome to boot, our hero is to die for. His "I can't love you because I'll end up hurting you" mind set can occasionally grate but, after hearing the root of it, you can easily forgive. Being a dishonorably discharged Navy SEAL (this is explained through out the series) our hero is almost constantly using military lingo. Having very limited military experience -- mainly background rumblings from my family -- I understood some of his military speak and the things that made me go "huh?" did the same for our heroine, so they get explained. Finally, I adore Sax for allowing Jennessy to completely take control of her own life and find out who she is without haranguing or embarrassing her in the process, which makes for a delightful love story. *swoon* My hero!

So, let's see. A couple of hiccups in the flow of the novel but a great, though rather convenient, story line along with a magnificent pairing of Hero and Heroine. Definitely a great read. I think I may even go hunting for the next book in the series, which will hopefully be Knox and ViVi's story (Woo!).

Hero: ★★★★
Heroine: ★★★★ 1/2
Plot: ★★★
Steam: ★★★
Overall Rating: ★★★★

Favorite Scene: First time Jennessy sees Sax without his disguise!

Favorite Quote: "She met his gaze as their fingers slid against each other. It felt nice. Sax wasn't usually into nice when he has with an attractive woman. Sexy. Hot. Aroused, all good. Nice he could take or leave. But walking hand in hand with Jennessy was damned nice."

Fun Fact: Several times throughout the novel songs are brought up as playing through character's heads. If you find and play those songs while reading, it actually makes for a fun time!

***I was given a free copy by NetGalley for an honest review***

marivi_anderson's review against another edition

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adventurous medium-paced


sadiecass's review

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I almost put down this book after the first chapter. There was too much info dump and a room full of testosterone laced men. I understand the need to fill in us newbies in the midst of a series (I have not read the first two books) - but I just wanted the meat of the story.

I'm glad I didn't...Read the rest of the review here.

yvalenz's review

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Jennessy, fresh out of a relationship with her cheating ex-boyfriend, boards a plane to explore her wild side at a resort for singles looking for "fun". Originally scheduled to go as a couple, she finds herself single, and sitting next to Saxby Cole on the plane. One too many rum punches later, and she makes a move on him only to be gently rejected.

Saxby (Sax) Cole is assigned to go undercover and gather information on who is drugging women at a wild singles resort, he wasn’t expecting to be right in the middle of all the action. After posing as a geeky financial guy, and getting hit on by an attractive woman that he sat next to on the plane, he dives head first into the resort’s single scene trying to get intel on the elicit behavior. After an evening of intentionally bad introductions, he confesses to the resort coordinator that he was hoping for a sure thing. Some real action with a woman.

Willie, the on-site dating coordinator, thinks he has another sucker on his hands and makes a deal to hook up Sax with a woman who is “primed and ready” for him. After telling Sax that woman is just liquored up and loose, and that Willie would go back and retrieve her to help him avoid the awkward morning after conversations, Willie delivers none other than Jennessy.

Stumbling and obviously under the influence, he takes her back to his room and tries to determine what she’s been given. Jennessy, open to suggestions and seduction due to her drugged state, tries to come on to Sax again. Luckily, he discovers she was given Ketamine, helps her sober up, and the next morning explains what really happened.

The two join forces trying to find other women that have been drugged, trying to uncover a drug and prostitution operation, and bring down those in charge. Of course, this happens while the two of them pretend to be a couple, Sax helping Jennessy explore the wild side of herself. What is most dangerous to them both, of course, is their feelings for each other and what will happen once their time at the resort ends.
The story is full of excitement, sexual tension (and some action), and suspense. While this is the third in the Justiss Alliance series, it can be read as a stand-alone. The other books in this series are just as good, fans of this series will not be disappointed.

*Advance Reading Copy provided by NetGalley / Loveswept in exchange for an honest review*

erinnejc's review against another edition

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Another great book in this series, I love the characters and look forward to more from Tina Wainscott.

angie_stl's review against another edition

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I was given a copy of this book for review from

I absolutely loved this book! The suspense, drama, romance and humor kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the book. Sax and Jennessey had chemistry from the moment they met, clicking intellectually and emotionally before any sexual tension even jumped in. Of course going to an island retreat with a Wild and a Mild side, you know the sexual chemistry couldn't be far behind. I had actually meant to buy the first two books in this series months ago, but for some reason they slipped my mind. Not to worry now, because after reading this book, I've already purchased all THREE of the previous books and can't wait to read them! I can't imagine that they could entertain me any less than Wild Nights, because it was obviously written by an accomplished storyteller with much to say! I'm sure after reading them, I'll love Sax even more. I'd recommend this to any romance reader, but most especially to any of them that love suspenseful, edge-of-your-seat kinds of books. Though this book is smack dab in the middle of an ongoing series, it read well as a stand alone book, with just enough information to keep you informed on how the Justiss Alliance was formed, but not giving away any more of the previous books than what you'd find on the back of said books.

hannas_heas47's review against another edition

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Thanks netgalley for a free book to read and review.

This book was an easy read,, ex navy seal Saxby Cole joins the Alliance with other members of an ex navy team that were booted from the military in one of those don't ask...don't tell scenarios. This one follows a mission to find out if a Wild Resort is promoting a date rape drug, I fell into this book hook, line, and sinker! Some wild action going on, making these bad ass navy seals notch it down a level, trying to make them look like they need help getting a woman had me chuckling through the pages. Jennessy was definitely a wild card for poor Saxby. I loved her instantly. Overall entertainment is four stars.

sadiecass's review against another edition

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I almost put down this book after the first chapter. There was too much info dump and a room full of testosterone laced men. I understand the need to fill in us newbies in the midst of a series (I have not read the first two books) - but I just wanted the meat of the story.

I'm glad I didn't...Read the rest of the review here.

mandy_pandy's review against another edition

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This is the first book I have read in this series and I really enjoyed it. Suspense, sexy times and a sexy SEAL! This was fast-paced and exciting. I really enjoyed this story and can't wait to read more in this series!

**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**

liferhi_inspired's review against another edition

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Wild Nights is the third book within the Justiss Alliance series by Tina Wainscott. While this was the first book from the series that I've read, it was easily read as a standalone novel and has me itching to read the pervious stories with the series.

This book is chalked full of action packed suspense, molten lava level sexual chemistry, and there's a sexy hot SEAL teaming up with a damsel in distress. The writing of this book is crafted beautifully, and the characters are well rounded and came off very real, with their own fears and insecurities. The storyline was fast paced but will suck you in and won't let you go until the very end.

Overall this was a fabulous book and it's definitely a series that I'll read in the future.

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinions*