
Florence & Leon by Simon Boulerice

mehsi's review

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I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

Leon and Florence don't know it yet, but they are going to meet up and fall in love. And be too darned cute together.

Review to come in August.

geekwayne's review

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'Florence & Leon' by Simon Boulerice with translation by Sophie B. Watson with illustrations by Sophie B. Watson is about a pair of strangers who meet over drinks with straws and learn about each other.

When Florence was little, she liked to swim and drink out of curly straws. When Leon was little, he liked to play soccer and drink out of really long straws. That was a long time ago. Now they are grown and Florence has a lung problem and Leon has a vision problem. They meet (over drinks with straws) and learn about the things that are different about them and the things they have in common.

This was a really sweet story. I don't know how interesting the story might be to children, but I found it charming. I liked the illustrations. And yes, all the straws mean something for the story.

I received a review copy of this ebook from Orca Book Publishersand NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

itselvv's review

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قصة عن ثنائي مصاب بإعاقات غير شائعة (أُعجبت بإختيار الإعاقات وتوعية القارئ عنها بالشكل المناسب) للفتاة مشكلة في رئتها تمنعها عن التنفس بشكلٍ فعال، والفتى مصاب بمشكلة في النظر تمنعه من رؤية الصورة كاملة فلا يرى إلّا جزء منها، ويعينه دماغه على تركيب وتكوين الصورة كاملة. القصة ظريفة للغاية وقد أظهرت جانبًا مهمًا لم أعرف عنه من قبل!

bibliovolubile's review against another edition

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Pour lire le billet que j'ai écrit sur, au sujet de ce livre, c'est par ici!

[To read my's blog post about this book, follow the above link - post is in french]

rdyourbookcase's review

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“Florence & Leon” was totally and completely beautiful. I loved it. Honestly, I think adults will enjoy it more than children, even though it is a picture book.

readsewknit's review

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We first glimpse Florence and Leon as children; Florence is a gifted swimmer and Leon is a gangly soccer player. After their practices, they are each treated to a drink with a straw.

They meet as adults when Florence plows into Leon; she discovers he is nearly blind and confesses she has lung issues. They meet at a cafe later that day and linger over their drinks, sharing stories from their childhood, both positive and negative.

The illustrations are simple but still draw you in. I appreciated the practical ways they have for communicating how it is to live their life with sight and breathing difficulties (a straw is used in both scenarios to limit sight and breath). My only criticism is wondering how well it will translate to its intended audience; it's listed as 5-10 years, but the younger set would need more assistance keeping up with the vocabulary, although I appreciate giving children concrete ways to understand what it would be like to breathe or see in limited capacities.

beths0103's review

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This book is clearly a translation. It felt very French even before I saw the name of the author. So I get the sense that a lot got lost in the translation. It's a quiet, simple story of two people with disabilities falling for each other and accepting each other for who they are, but the tone is very adult, not in a way that would make it inappropriate for children, but rather in its sensibilities.

ljrinaldi's review

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This is an interesting picture book. It talks about disability, and try to show how to understand it. It is also a love story. And the pictures, as you can see below, are cartoon like, and have sequential art to accompany the story.

It is an attempt to show how two people, who each have different disabilities, can not only live and work and love, but also what it is like to be them. The examples given are done with a straw. If you have to only breath through a straw, you would be short of breath, Florence explains her disability that way. If you had to look through a straw at everything, it would be hard to see, and that is the way that Leon explains his disability.

The problem is, and perhaps it is only a problem for me, is that there isn't much of a story here. Yes, it is a love story, and yes it explains disabilities, but that is all there is. And perhaps that is enough for a picture book. And it is a simple way to explain disabilities.

Florence & Leon

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.

zissel's review

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If you're looking for a sweet romance, it's a perfect choice!
You can give it as present to your hopeless romantic friend, or to your friend who loves shabby-chic illustrations.
I love the story, how a simple hello can lead to a sweet love story.

mconant's review

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I adore this book! It is a sweet story about two people connecting over the physical disabilities that make them a little different than the people around them.

Florence & Leon use a straw illustration to simply explain their disabilities to each other- perfect for children to get an idea as well.

Florence and Leon offer to help each other, their strengths complementing. I would highly recommend this book for classrooms or parents teaching empathy.

Thank you so much, NetGalley, for allowing me to read this story early!