
The Library Book by Rebecca Gray

straycatd's review against another edition

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101(ish) reasons why libraries are awonderful, necessary, and why we should fight the government’s closures with everything we have.

jenstrong's review against another edition

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hopeful informative inspiring medium-paced


avaguearchive's review against another edition

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I've put off finishing this book for over a month as I wanted to review it in my zine before reviewing it on here, but enough is enough - I've finished it, damnit, and will replace this explanation with the proper review whenever it is that I do get round to completing said zine.

mgi526's review against another edition

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Very cute and enjoyable collection of stories about libraries

jstimmins's review against another edition

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light reading with a bite

Some of the essays charmed; some were odd. Many of them were a useful reminder of how sustained the Conservative attack on British institutions of public life has been.

katefish's review against another edition

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Short pieces, mostly nonfiction, about the impact of books & libraries. I enjoyed reading the authors 'origin stories'.

andyshute's review against another edition

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Every now and then it’s nice to read about books and the people who enjoy them. It makes me feel part of a larger club. I’m pretty much the only reader in my family (though thankfully both my kids are book fiends). Libraries though are a recent thing for me. Sure I recall visiting them as a kid but for a long time (too long), books had to be bought and shelved and owned to be real to me. Stupid.

In recent years I’ve learnt to embrace the library, to let go of my books (not all, but a significant number) and to find peace with the transient relationship it’s possible to have with a book. Plus it saves money and my kids love the library. Even now, if I (admittedly infrequently) get the opportunity to have some personal time and need to achieve something I habitually decamp to the library.

So this collection of stories and essays and brief snippets all about the magic, power and importance of libraries is a lovely work. Out of all of them, I think Zadie Smith says it best but the heart of every story is the same. We need our libraries and we need to fight for them. A worthy cause.

chilliwitch's review against another edition

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I loved this, so many stories that moved me.
As someone who has always had access to books, libraries have still be a wonderful resource and refuge for me ...... I hate to think of a world without libraries and make sure I support the three that I am a member of regularly...

Please support yours also to make sure that everyone always has access to the wonders that can be found there

alexandrayarrow's review against another edition

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delicious short essays and humourous stories about libraries.

kats05's review against another edition

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A wonderful collection of essays by some successful and talented writers. All in defense and in aid of public libraries (in the UK), a truly laudable cause. 
I particularly enjoyed the essays that were addressing the issue at hand (current UK government looking to close more than 10% of public libraries) and delivering strong and intelligent arguments in favour of keeping libraries open and accessible to everyone. Many contributors told personal (childhood) anecdotes about how libraries (and librarians) influenced and even shaped their lives, often very moving or funny stories that I just loved reading and could totally identify with. I'd have gladly given this collection five stars if it weren't for the dull / superfluous contributions by Seth Godin, China Mieville and Kate Mosse (some creepy ghost story that seemed completely pointless to me and was probably only in there because the protagonist does some volunteer work at a library.... come on!!), but most of the others were great and very enjoyable. 
I will give my copy of this lovely book to our local library for their English language section and hope that back in the UK this book creates some serious buzz amongst people and encourage them to fight for their libraries. A most worthy cause.