
Succubus heat by Richelle Mead

alicetheowl's review against another edition

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After the events of Succubus Dreams, I found myself unable to concentrate on reading anything else before I got my hands on the rest of the series. This book did nothing to slow my momentum. If you've made it this far into the series, there's a good chance you're just as addicted as I am.

The Georgina Kincaid series follows the trials of a 1500-year-old succubus in Seattle, Washington. This book has her so angsty, her boss, a demon named Jerome, has sent her to therapy. When that doesn't work, he sends her on assignment to Vancouver to investigate a satanic cult that's hurting the cause of evil more than helping it. Before Georgina can get to the bottom of it, Jerome is summoned and locked away, which also locks away the powers of all of his underlings. Including Georgina. Suddenly, she can have sex with Seth Mortensen, the love of her life, without draining his life away. Just a few problems with that, for reasons obvious to anyone who's read book 3 already.

I wasn't exactly counting the sex-scene-to-pages ratio, but this book certainly earns "heat" in the title. It leaves more of her anonymous encounters to the imagination, in contrast with previous books, which highlights the emotionally invested ones all the more.

I'm being very careful writing up the events of this book, because the description for book 5 spoiled a major plot point for me. Not that I think many are reading primarily for the plot, but I like to be surprised.

The quality of this book is consistent with the previous three. If you like the interplay of characters, it's just as snarky and entertaining as ever. There are hints to a greater plot in this book, but it's a slow build. There's very little depth, beyond the complexity of a succubus who likes helping people and her good-hearted demonic friends. I was annoyed with how easily Georgina shrugs off a choice Seth made in book 3, but I suppose she's more forgiving than I am.

This book hooked me so thoroughly, I ran out to buy a copy of book 5 before I'd finished this one. It's been a long time since I was so addicted to a series. I like it.

marketa_alonsy's review against another edition

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Nope. 2,5 konec byl fajn. Celkově to na mě bylo moc a i když jsem Georginu celkem chápala, štvala mě. Stejně jako Seth. Ten asi i víc. Občas přemýšlím proc je to vlastně psané v žánru UF. Sukuba. Super. To je pravda a proto mě tahle série nalákala. Ale chtělo by to krapet víc akce a míň problémů mladých žen. Je jí přes tisíc let sakra. Tak přece může mít trochu víc rozumu a nechovat se jako dvacetileté štěně co neví co od života chce.

Už to dočtu, ale doufám, že další díl bude lepší. Předchozí mě bavily. Tady jsem se víc nudila a do čtení skoro až nutila.

sissen's review against another edition

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dark mysterious medium-paced
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


sarahg4's review against another edition

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I did enjoy the overall story of this one. Lots going on to keep you entertained throughout. While reading though you can see very clearly how the book will end so now is its a case of waiting for the characters to catch up with what you have already figured out. Just have to see how long it takes to get there :)

belle_d_mort's review against another edition

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funny lighthearted mysterious medium-paced


moonstrucksue's review against another edition

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No wonder the title is Succubus Heat, this book was rich with angst and heartaches.

patricia_nascimento's review against another edition

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RATING: 3.5-ish stars.

I didn't like this one as much. The whole stasis thing seemed like an obvious ploy for more Seth and Georgina action. :P

caffeinatedreviewer's review against another edition

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The feels I got while listening to Succubus Heat

  • Hopeless:  Georgina is angry, filled with self-loathing and trying to lose herself and escape the pain. In fact, she has pissed off Jerome (her Demon ruler) with all her antics. I feel for her and its breaking my heart. She is heartbroken and lashing out with a “never care” attitude. I know Seth loves her, but I am so angry. Seeing Seth and working at the bookstore with his super nice, chipper girlfriend Maddie would suck the life out of anyone.

  • Road Trip Woot! Jerome sources Georgina out to Cedric, the Vancouver Demon. He needs help with a Demon Worshiping Cult that is stirring up trouble. It was fun getting out of Seattle, and a busy Georgina cannot be caught up in her sorrows.

  • Immortals in Stasis: The mystery in Succubus Heat was fantastic and created an opportunity for all the immortal creatures in Seattle to lose some of their abilities. For the first time Vampiress can walk in daylight. Georgina is still immortal but very much human. Mead exposes a very vulnerable side of our kick-ass heroine. You know what is going to happen right? I also cannot stop thinking about those dreams she had. Gads!

  • Seth and Georgina: I need truffles. My emotions are all over the place. This aspect of the story ripped out my guts, made me happy and then left me bitchy. I had a problem with one aspect of this storyline.
    SpoilerThere is Cheating.
     However, it was bittersweet, beautiful and yet cruel. Is it better to know or better to wonder?

  • An exceptional storyline: Mead blew me away with Succubus Heat. Sure she had my emotions all over the place but the concept and execution were amazing, We have politics, betrayals, human emotions and a mystery to solve. She balanced these threads beautifully all while pulling my heart along on a string. Surprisingly she still made me laugh and there were even snarky moments

  • Hail, Hail the Gang's All Here: We didn’t see a lot of the motley crew of supernaturals and I missed them. I have mixed feelings about Dante, but he is good to Georgina. Carter and his rules. Loosen up Carter! We did meet new characters and players in the supernatural world. It was fun seeing Georgina interact with them.

  • Listening Rocks! Elisabeth Rodgers the narrator for this series is exceptional. She captures the tone and emotions of the characters and story creating an enhanced experience.

This review was originally posted on Caffeinated Book Reviewer

megankass's review against another edition

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Shhhhh, Georgina, the men are talking.

C'mon, seriously??? This book. I can't even. No. Just no.

hillaryhere's review against another edition

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Well, the thing finally happens.