
The Ethics of Ambiguity by Bernard Frechtman, Simone de Beauvoir

anitaleila's review against another edition

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beautiful manifesto for behaviour and finding meaning - very dense and theoretical but pulls together in an amazing conclusion..

persnickety_9's review against another edition

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Pretty interesting, although sometimes I felt too dumb to follow along. That was a “me” thing, though, and not necessarily a reflection of the book. I’m not sure I agree with the premise and conclusions that relied on “the ends justify the means,” but she otherwise made some very interesting points about ambiguity in life and of our own ethical decisions.

josuegjerdingen's review against another edition

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challenging informative inspiring reflective slow-paced


brain_on_legs's review against another edition

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challenging informative reflective slow-paced


camp_chase's review against another edition

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challenging hopeful inspiring reflective slow-paced


kateoneill's review against another edition

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This book genuinely made me wish I were a better thinker, and that's just about the highest praise I could offer.

aranthe02's review against another edition

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Powerful, inspiring and very much a book for the 2020’s and the rise of fascism rising again.

Existential thought and meaning, being read after Sandel’s justice form a one two punch on what it means to be alive and good. I’m still pondering the notion of everything in the absolute finite: the means too, as a way to view action.

lastnameoptional's review against another edition

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I disagree with the Existentialists' denial of determinism but this one was worth reading regardless.

speedwellblues's review against another edition

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reflective medium-paced


Bit more literary than the usual stuff,, awesomesauce. 

crowned_anarchy's review against another edition

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This book ends with Beauvoir saying how calming she found the Hegelian system when she first discovered it, only to discover it did not hold up amongst living action. The purpose of this book, and all its errors, falls into place once this is realized