silverfush's review against another edition

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This is a good book for all the 'poor me' types out there, because if you can read this book, and still be saying "poor me" then I am afraid you are a bit of a lost cause.

Very inspirational book, full of words of wisdom and examples of how Nick has applied some of these ideas and thoughts into his own life.

After reading this, I feel inclined to go out into the world and try be a better me with a better life for myself.


sugarpopspete's review against another edition

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This book is a good spirit-lifter for someone who feels life has been unfair to them; it gives one a real attitude adjustment.
I had hoped for more biographical information, but even so the stories he tells are interesting and sometimes laugh-out-loud funny.

benjaminlmak's review against another edition

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This book has provided me with reassurance, some wisdom and wonder. I particularly love how he referenced the Scripture and the Word of God in every chapter to emphasize his POV and life lessons.

However, sometimes, I thought some of his advice was quite generalized, if not shallow, tip-of-the-iceberg type.

Anyway, it's still a reasonably good read, especially if you are someone seeking more comfort and hope for your life when confronted with setbacks.

authorjbr's review against another edition

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Ack. A weird blend of Christianity and positivism. Like, I agree Christians can do great things and should take risks, but is that really the emphasis of Christianity? And sure, this is a “self help” book, not theology, and maybe I’m just too cynical, but the concept of God wanting me to succeed and change the world makes me uneasy. Especially having just visited a monastery where their daily conviction is repentance and abandonment of self.
Now I’m not arguing that path is for all Christians. Just that it seemed rather at odds with Vujicic’s approach.
Also, the book is about 50 pages too long.

tiareads's review against another edition

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I don't want to keep reading because I don't see a point in that, I have other real books on my TBR pile. I don't want to say anything bad about the author or the book, but I don't like it's philosophy and that's it. It will be on my 'read' list, because I did read a half and I don't want for that to get wasted.

ndari's review against another edition

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Aku suka. Aku memang udah mengagumi Nick Vujicic sejak dulu. Waktu keluar bukunya, langsung pengen baca.
Di sini nuansa Kristianinya subtle, jadi buat pembaca yang non-Kristen aku rasa masih akan merasa nyaman. Banyak ceritanya dia yang sebenarnya sedih, tapi dia tulis dengan pembawaan yang membumi, membuat kita yang membaca bukannya mengasihani dia tapi kagum akan kekuatannya.
Tapi banyak pengulangan prosa di beberapa halaman.
Baca buku ini jadi inget lagunya Who Am I - Casting Crows.

God is so good..

lturner's review against another edition

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An awesomely possitive book.

bookwormmichelle's review against another edition

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I first saw Nick Vujicic on YouTube and was amazed--he is one special guy. His obviously full and meaningful life in spite of his handicaps is a real inspiration. This book is a pretty good, worthwhile read. It does happen to be full of some of the same platitudes and cliches that so many motivational/inspiration books are full of, but it is salvaged by the author's humor and indomitable spirit.