
The Billionaire's Ex-Wife by Leslie North

lashea677's review

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Sam is a piece of work. He's arrogant, clueless and in need of some fixing in the emotion department. Trinity is no pushover and she has neither the patience or the heart to put up with a jerk like Sam. Too bad she's about to come face to face with the one man she hoped to never see again. Her ex-husband: Sam Jameson. Will this surprise meeting lead to a new beginning? The Billionaire's Ex - wife brings on the spice and sprinkles in the heart. Life is a journey of mistakes, pain and letting go, but there's always room for a second chance.

sim_4520's review

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Rating 2/5
I didn't find the story much interesting. Tho it's a simple and loving story about a divorced couple.

Samson, an ambitious, hardworking and stubborn person who because of some reasons can't keep his marriage

Trinity, a loving, caring and hardworking women. She knows what she wants from her relationship.

It's about Sam and trinity giving their marriage another chance. But the book wasn't much interesting. The chapters are short which I like. It wasn't much heavy on my heart. Tho I like the ending.

You can try if u want a break from the too much sad and romantic books by reading this story.

lediableaucropsssss's review

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a litle bit too short, the plot lines could have been better

lediableaucrops's review

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a litle bit too short, the plot lines could have been better

izziede's review

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I was bit confused what was going on with which brother and keeping track at first. I don't understand American business structure or terms do that confused me to.
The premise of the story was really good.
They had been divorced for a year but neither had been with anyone else. He was too busy to bother, still hung up on his ex which was realistic and she had dated but it had not worked out.
Hints at future book storylines.

intostarlight's review

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2.5 stars
I didn't like this one very much. It was ok I guess. I cared more about side characters (Eddie, for example) than the two protagonists themselves. Don't get me wrong, I liked the (main)characters I just didn't see why they supposedly love eachother so much. They were likable, but I felt like something was missing. The dialogue was almost nonexistent. It was so incredibly predictable. No part of the plot surprised me. It all seemed done before. I kept waiting for one of my guesses to be wrong.

***I received this book for free from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

bookslovereaders's review

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I was given this ARC eBook to read for my honest opinion by NetGalley

I enjoy reading a short romance novel with a little bit of erotica thrown in and this didn't disappoint.

In this book you meet Sam and Trinity an ex-husband and wife who work for the same company, specifically his families advertising company. Within this short eBook you come to realise the reason why they are no longer married is because Sam has trouble compromising and putting others before work. In this book the author shows how a person can change for the right reasons and that being for love.

I like how the author has also introduced the characters and even though I like Sam I feel that he is wrong from the start and pleased with how the book ended. I was also impressed with Trinity for sticking to her guns and being strong enough to stand up for what she believes in and not giving in at the first hurdle. two other brothers especially Eddie who is the fun loving one.

I look forward to reading the next two books in the series and meeting Eddie and William again.

All in all this was a very quick enjoyable read with romance, a bit of heartbreak and shouting at Sam to pull his finger out and go for his girl!

jessicabeckett's review

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Blog | Twitter | Instagram | Review also found at Booked J.

(2.5 stars, nearly 3) As a note, an e-galley of this novel was sent to me via NetGalley by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not effect my opinions in any way.

This just wasn't my cup of tea and felt all-too-familiar for me to get truly invested in things. Leslie North crafts a delicious tone as per usual but The Billionaire's Ex-Wife just wasn't for me and my preference in the moment. I'm not typically big on the second-chance-romances these days (then again, I seem to not be 100% keen on romance in general these days for whatever reason) so this should come as no shock to anyone that my feelings were lackluster at best.

Leslie North proves to be a strong writer with a knack for creating characters and backstories to connection and I am unable to stress that enough. I think that part of my feelings towards the book come from two mundane things that lead to massive flaws: the length of the book felt too short and the plot felt too common. This is important for me to point out. While the story wasn't awful in the least, it did mark down my rating quite a bit.

While I didn't necessarily find myself connected to the love story at hand, on an emotional level, I did enjoy the characters on their own and for me that is what made me continue on with The Billionare's Ex-Wife in spite of my reservations about the story as a whole. North truly brought a spark to the characters in terms of development--even if the rest of it didn't quite ignite a full blown attachment for me.

But that is what we all love about Leslie North--her writing. Although there were flaws to the story and it isn't something I'd read again, her writing remains just as juicy as usual. It just wasn't enough for my taste.

There's no doubt, however, that the book is a fast and entertaining read. One of the many things that fans of North will attest to is her delicious pacing and prose; catering to the romantic at heart all the while maintaining a certain level of chemistry to the characters. Sam and Trinity have a past that ties them together and serves as a stepping-stone to what will become of them in the future.

Many moments I found myself feeling more than a little flustered.

Ultimately, fans of Leslie North will flock to this release and find themselves anticipating the next installment to the series. The Billionaire's Ex-Wife wasn't for me, but anyone looking for a steamy second-chance love story will eat this up!