ppetropoulakis's review against another edition

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A new take on the classic myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. The first volume follows the tumultuous life of Theseus, who in this story is the female heir of the king of Athens. Gender swapping the hero allows for some very interesting plot threads. Interestingly, core parts of the mythos are omitted, such as the three bandits that Theseus encounters on the way to Athens.

plaidbrarian's review against another edition

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An interesting take on the Greek myth, but all the sexual violence was really off-putting to me.

nycterisberna's review against another edition

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Dentro de todas las reversiones de historias de la mitología griega que ponen foco en las mujeres, éste comic me ha parecido de las más logradas: Teseo fue en realidad una mujer, despreciada heredera al trono que trama su venganza luego que su padre la venda a un burdel y el Minotauro resulta ser sólo el hijo monstruoso y caníbal del Rey de Creta. Todos estos ingredientes configuran una historia que el pueblo no quiere escuchar, pero que el poeta que la narra escucha con atención de la boca de su protagonista. Muy interesante. 

noveladdiction's review against another edition

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Loved this! Such a cool take on the Theseus myth. Epic, gritty, and would totally make an amazing TV show or movie.