katyboo52's review

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As with any anthology, unless you are really lucky, there will be things you love and things you can live without. This is a huge tome and covers a wide range of authors, some of whose books I had read and was familiar with, others I'd never heard of. The editors are vital in these things. If you don't like the cut of their jib, you may as well not bother. I love both Ella Risbridger and Kate Young and I knew I would be in for a treat. Many of the excerpts were delightful. I loved that they included Brian Washington and MFK Fisher for example. I also loved that their own writing was included. I did feel that a few of the excerpts were too long for what was already a hefty volume, but it would make a marvellous gift for anyone you know who is a foodie but who you don't want to risk buying cookery books for.

aaron12493's review

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informative inspiring lighthearted reflective medium-paced


abbiegregory's review

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informative inspiring reflective relaxing medium-paced
