
The Vixen and the Vet / Never Let You Go by Katy Regnery

jaimejustreadsromance's review

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The Vixen and the Vet
Originally read June 2014

A few weeks back I wrote a review on Goodreads for another book in the form of a letter. Katy read the review and told me that I should make that my review style. So, this is for you Katy.
Dear Katy,
I’m sure you won’t be surprised when I tell you that The Vixen and the Vet has become my very favorite of your books so far. Mostly because I say that with each new book you publish. It’s with great confidence and complete honesty that I tell you that you have quickly become one of the very few authors that I will one-click each and every book that you write, without requiring any previous information/knowledge of it. Every story you write is infused with the type of details that don’t just make me fall in love with fictional characters, but put me right smack dab in the middle of the city/town where they live. Their neighbors become my neighbors, their friends are my friends, their families are my families. I become a Virginia local, a Montana native, a reporter, a musician, an author. I’m not just reading a story, I’m becoming a part of a story.
This story holds a particularly special meaning to me as an Army Spouse. I’m always a little leery to read a military themed story in fear of being disappointed that it’s done badly or scared that it will be done too well. You, Miss Katy, have done this subject just right. You gave me all of the feels while reading Savannah and Asher’s story.
I laughed.
“This wasn’t about toothpicks. It was about bionic hands.”
“You kids and your electronics.”

“Can’t ride two horses with one ass, honey. Try it and you’ll get hurt.”

“Women. Can’t live with them. Bad idea to kill them though.”

No seriously I almost pee’d my pants when I read those lines.
I swooned.
“This isn’t the sort of love that ends,” he said softly. “It’s forever. It doesn’t matter if you go to Phoenix and I stay here for a while. We’ll find each other again. Do you know that Savannah Carmichael?”

“You stayed alive, Asher. I think maybe you stayed alive for me.”

I, well, we’ll just say that I blushed.

I cried.
And then she knew, she realized in startling, terrifying detail, that Asher Lee had no one to come home to. After years away from Danvers, there was no one left to welcome him home. No loving parents. No friends.”

Something inside him was starting to hurt, and it felt strangely like it had during those first few months in San Antonio when he had to decide whether to live or die. And for a moment, when he looked at the situation and realized it was possible this entire beautiful relationship had been an act on her part, he WANTED to die.

Mostly, I fell in love. I fell in love with this story of tragedy turned amazing love story, with a hero forgotten and dismissed by the very people he swore to defend and protect and with the woman who would show them all the error of their ways. I fell in love with love, and with hope, with honesty, and with forgiveness.
I fell in love with YOU Katy Regnery and the way that you wrote this story. I fell in love with you because you’re giving back to someone else who might have been forgotten or dismissed.
With great love and appreciation,
Jaime, wife of soon to be medically retired, 4 time deployed, Bronze Star w/Valor recipient SFC Charles Collins, US Army Infantry (2000-2014)
50% of everything Katy earns on “The Vixen & the Vet” in June and July 2014 will go directly to Operation Mend, a non-profit organization at the UCLA Medical Center that offers assistance to the returning wounded in our armed forces.
Support Katy and support a Wounded Warrior, buy your copy of The Vixen and the Vet when it releases on June 17th. Buy a copy for your friends, tell your family. You’ll get to read an awesome story AND give make a difference in someone’s life.

Never Let You Go
Originally Read June 2015

This book was so different from anything else that Katy has written, except for the fact that the it's the purest kind of romance that I've come to expect from her.

This book gutted me and then it slowly built me right back up, only to be knocked right back again. Fear not HEA lovers, it all comes back around in the best kind of way. Proving that real, true love built on honesty, strength and hope endures all.

Griselda is the epitome of strength and perseverance. Other than punishing herself by staying with Jonah to make up for what she felt she did wrong in the past, she never gave up fighting, if not for herself then for Holden. Despite everything she's been through in the past her one focus always remained to find Holden again.

Holden is everything you'd expect in a broken man who has gone through everything he's has. First losing his family as a young child and then losing the only person he ever thought he could have a family with, it's not surprising how he chooses to live his adult life. Fighting lets him get out his anger and it's empowering to know that this time, he's in charge of the outcome. Sleeping around with nameless faces lets him try to forget what he's lost and to pretend that instead it's her underneath him. On the outside Holden seems like a bit of a jerk who cares about nobody and nothing but on the inside he's still just a lost teenager trying to find his way.

Separately Gris and Holden are broken and battered with only memories to help them get by. Together they are complete. But complete doesn't mean their life together is perfect. When they finally find each again, the reunion is perfect. The emotions you'll feel when they reconnect are truly powerful, but at the same time, everything isn't just magically perfect. It's an emotional and happy moment but it's also a bit awkward and heartbreaking. Left alone in their own world for a few weeks their love comes back full force but slowly and safely. It's only when they finally seemed to find their bearings that life decides to test them again.

Once again Gris and Holden are being torn apart but this time they have choices and decisions to make. Gris continues to be he strong one making the decision that feels right for Holden. Meanwhile Holden becomes the driven and focused one, following Gris' lead he lets her go but with full intentions of fighting his way back to her.

Stumbling block after stumbling block Gris and Holden hold onto the fact that they always find each other again because their love is that strong and special. Even apart the thought of the other helps each of hem grow into the people they want to be for each other.

There are so many symbols in this book that connect them together and you'll feel so connected to them that, if you're like me, you'll find yourself repeating their words of encouragement to each other.

Their journey is long and emotional. A love so powerful you'll find yourself holding on to the letters right along with them. This story even has some things that I hate in a romance but to be true to their story those things are exactly what needed to happen to complete their story and to make this exactly what a romance is supposed to be.

Staying true to her tag line, this book is a little bit heat, a little bit sweet with a whole lot of HEA, but this time there is also a little bit of darkness and angst done well. Katy Regnery never disappoints and I can't wait to see her modern take on fairy tales.

*I received an ARC from the author/publisher
in exchange for an honest review

*Read more reviews like this at

jaimereadsromance's review

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The Vixen and the Vet
Originally read June 2014

A few weeks back I wrote a review on Goodreads for another book in the form of a letter. Katy read the review and told me that I should make that my review style. So, this is for you Katy.
Dear Katy,
I’m sure you won’t be surprised when I tell you that The Vixen and the Vet has become my very favorite of your books so far. Mostly because I say that with each new book you publish. It’s with great confidence and complete honesty that I tell you that you have quickly become one of the very few authors that I will one-click each and every book that you write, without requiring any previous information/knowledge of it. Every story you write is infused with the type of details that don’t just make me fall in love with fictional characters, but put me right smack dab in the middle of the city/town where they live. Their neighbors become my neighbors, their friends are my friends, their families are my families. I become a Virginia local, a Montana native, a reporter, a musician, an author. I’m not just reading a story, I’m becoming a part of a story.
This story holds a particularly special meaning to me as an Army Spouse. I’m always a little leery to read a military themed story in fear of being disappointed that it’s done badly or scared that it will be done too well. You, Miss Katy, have done this subject just right. You gave me all of the feels while reading Savannah and Asher’s story.
I laughed.
“This wasn’t about toothpicks. It was about bionic hands.”
“You kids and your electronics.”

“Can’t ride two horses with one ass, honey. Try it and you’ll get hurt.”

“Women. Can’t live with them. Bad idea to kill them though.”

No seriously I almost pee’d my pants when I read those lines.
I swooned.
“This isn’t the sort of love that ends,” he said softly. “It’s forever. It doesn’t matter if you go to Phoenix and I stay here for a while. We’ll find each other again. Do you know that Savannah Carmichael?”

“You stayed alive, Asher. I think maybe you stayed alive for me.”

I, well, we’ll just say that I blushed.

I cried.
And then she knew, she realized in startling, terrifying detail, that Asher Lee had no one to come home to. After years away from Danvers, there was no one left to welcome him home. No loving parents. No friends.”

Something inside him was starting to hurt, and it felt strangely like it had during those first few months in San Antonio when he had to decide whether to live or die. And for a moment, when he looked at the situation and realized it was possible this entire beautiful relationship had been an act on her part, he WANTED to die.

Mostly, I fell in love. I fell in love with this story of tragedy turned amazing love story, with a hero forgotten and dismissed by the very people he swore to defend and protect and with the woman who would show them all the error of their ways. I fell in love with love, and with hope, with honesty, and with forgiveness.
I fell in love with YOU Katy Regnery and the way that you wrote this story. I fell in love with you because you’re giving back to someone else who might have been forgotten or dismissed.
With great love and appreciation,
Jaime, wife of soon to be medically retired, 4 time deployed, Bronze Star w/Valor recipient SFC Charles Collins, US Army Infantry (2000-2014)
50% of everything Katy earns on “The Vixen & the Vet” in June and July 2014 will go directly to Operation Mend, a non-profit organization at the UCLA Medical Center that offers assistance to the returning wounded in our armed forces.
Support Katy and support a Wounded Warrior, buy your copy of The Vixen and the Vet when it releases on June 17th. Buy a copy for your friends, tell your family. You’ll get to read an awesome story AND give make a difference in someone’s life.

Never Let You Go
Originally Read June 2015

This book was so different from anything else that Katy has written, except for the fact that the it's the purest kind of romance that I've come to expect from her.

This book gutted me and then it slowly built me right back up, only to be knocked right back again. Fear not HEA lovers, it all comes back around in the best kind of way. Proving that real, true love built on honesty, strength and hope endures all.

Griselda is the epitome of strength and perseverance. Other than punishing herself by staying with Jonah to make up for what she felt she did wrong in the past, she never gave up fighting, if not for herself then for Holden. Despite everything she's been through in the past her one focus always remained to find Holden again.

Holden is everything you'd expect in a broken man who has gone through everything he's has. First losing his family as a young child and then losing the only person he ever thought he could have a family with, it's not surprising how he chooses to live his adult life. Fighting lets him get out his anger and it's empowering to know that this time, he's in charge of the outcome. Sleeping around with nameless faces lets him try to forget what he's lost and to pretend that instead it's her underneath him. On the outside Holden seems like a bit of a jerk who cares about nobody and nothing but on the inside he's still just a lost teenager trying to find his way.

Separately Gris and Holden are broken and battered with only memories to help them get by. Together they are complete. But complete doesn't mean their life together is perfect. When they finally find each again, the reunion is perfect. The emotions you'll feel when they reconnect are truly powerful, but at the same time, everything isn't just magically perfect. It's an emotional and happy moment but it's also a bit awkward and heartbreaking. Left alone in their own world for a few weeks their love comes back full force but slowly and safely. It's only when they finally seemed to find their bearings that life decides to test them again.

Once again Gris and Holden are being torn apart but this time they have choices and decisions to make. Gris continues to be he strong one making the decision that feels right for Holden. Meanwhile Holden becomes the driven and focused one, following Gris' lead he lets her go but with full intentions of fighting his way back to her.

Stumbling block after stumbling block Gris and Holden hold onto the fact that they always find each other again because their love is that strong and special. Even apart the thought of the other helps each of hem grow into the people they want to be for each other.

There are so many symbols in this book that connect them together and you'll feel so connected to them that, if you're like me, you'll find yourself repeating their words of encouragement to each other.

Their journey is long and emotional. A love so powerful you'll find yourself holding on to the letters right along with them. This story even has some things that I hate in a romance but to be true to their story those things are exactly what needed to happen to complete their story and to make this exactly what a romance is supposed to be.

Staying true to her tag line, this book is a little bit heat, a little bit sweet with a whole lot of HEA, but this time there is also a little bit of darkness and angst done well. Katy Regnery never disappoints and I can't wait to see her modern take on fairy tales.

*I received an ARC from the author/publisher
in exchange for an honest review

*Read more reviews like this at

izziede's review

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A lovely story.

thebookishmedialite's review

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3.5 stars!

Such a sweet and heartfelt read! Full review to come ♥.

melonreads's review

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Oh my.

Oh my heart.

I don’t have the words to express how much I loved this book. I don’t know why it took me so long to read it. Asher. Savannah. Copious use of the endearment, “darlin’”, which, it must be said, is my personal favorite endearment of all time. I know people throw around the term book boyfriend a lot. Asher isn’t a book boyfriend, that descriptor is too lame and too tame for him. He defies words, is beyond the usual adjectives. I love him.


All the stars. Just...let me get a wheelbarrow and pile it full of stars.

*clutches iPad and wonders what Asher and his darlin’ are up to these days...

kame's review

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This book quickly sucked me in

Savannah left her small southern town and moved to NYC for college and a career. She came back years later with her college degree but a career in tatters. She is given a chance at reviving her career but it means she must meet the elusive Asher. Asher was a football hero and from an affluent family when he left town for college and then the military he returned ten years ago when an IED finished his military career; and no one in town has seen him at all in those ten years.

Savannah I liked a lot. She was smart and quick witted. She is definitely more NYC than Southern Lady. She seemed a little too trusting for someone who ended her career as she did. Asher loved him from the second he hit the page; I seem to have soft spot for heroes that are Vets and come home damaged emotionally and physically. Savannah really helped him become himself again and I really enjoyed that. There is a scene with Asher and a character named Lance - my favorite in the book - Asher definitely showed his alpha side.

The plot is good but sort of secondary to their love story. For me the older adults - Savannah's Mom and Miss Pott's, shined as secondary characters. I had a few moments where I wanted to beat a few characters; and a few times I wanted to strangle one but that shows I was involved in the story and a good writer.

Not sure if this is a stand-alone or if Katy has any future plans for Savannah and Asher the ending does leave a possibility to a follow up; maybe a spin off series they are involved in.

Here is the best part - for JUNE and JULY 2014 50% of Katy's profits from this book will go to a charity called OPERATION MEND - an organization that has made a difference in the lives of over 100 wounded veterans. Check them out at

I received this book from the author for my honest review and I am heading to buy my own copy right now to support OPERATION MEND!