
War Slut by Carlton Mellick III

iophil's review against another edition

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È il secondo libro di Carlton Mellick che leggo, dopo [b:Apocalisse Peluche|42285445|Apocalisse Peluche|Carlton Mellick||65922923], e il mio giudizio rimane essenzialmente quello maturato già al primo approccio con l'autore: una lettura simpatica e fuori dagli schemi, ma che a conti fatti lascia poco o niente.
Le idee curiose e originali sono innumerevoli, ma rimangono spesso fini a se stesse e non contribuiscono a rendere migliore la trama. Una peculiarità particolarmente sentita in Puttana da guerra, che ha una trama più lineare (e banale) di Apocalisse peluche.
Ma anche indipendentemente da ciò, il libro non è mai riuscito a catturarmi particolarmente. Ho osservato "dall'esterno" il procedere della storia, senza alcun coinvolgimento emotivo.
La prosa di Mellick è funzionale al ritmo serrato delle vicende, ma, in entrambi i libri, non mi è parsa mai particolarmente ispirata o degna di nota. È uno stile scorrevole, ma anche molto semplice, che contribuisce a rendere dimenticabile l'esperienza.
Carlton Mellick è indubbiamente una presenza atipica nel panorama letterario, con una fantasia sfrenata che non può non incuriosire chi ama lo "strano", ma come scrittore forse non è totalmente nelle mie corde.
Vista la brevità e la scorrevolezza dei suoi libri, penso che prima o poi proverò a dargli un'altra opportunità, anche perché le sue trovate restano comunque interessanti e godibili.

thesaint08d's review

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This was Really pretty good. but very short. It felt like a Sci-Fi war Episode of a show like Black Mirror or Twilight zone. Note I said episode as again its pretty short. Despite the name the sex scenes were few (one and barely part of second ) and not overly graphic especially for a bizzaro genre story, I mean I certaily wouldnt give it to my kid but Ive seen way way worse in mainstream. Anyway I enjoyed the book.

euzie's review

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For a short read this was really quite good fun. I can see where The Thing references come from, but they are a tad lazy. It was a pacy, quite funny and the ending was unique.

dantastic's review

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Crying Hugh Jake and the rest of his platoon hunt draft dodgers in the Arctic wastelands with their shape-shifting sex droid, the War Slut, in tow. Will any of them leave the polar desert alive?

War Slut is reminiscent of John Carpenter's The Thing. It has that paranoid feel. The strange doll creatures the soldiers find in the Arctic are suitably creepy. Sweet, the War Slut, was actually a fairly sympathetic character. Jake was okay. The rest of the characters were pretty thin, as was the story.

Remember in high school when you had to write a paper of a certain length and resorted to messing with the font and margins to meet your requirements? That's what War Slut is like. The print is huge and the margins seem wide to me. It's barely novella length but stretched out to 70-something pages. Stretch it as much as you want, it still feels like a ripoff at $7.95.

That's about all I can say. War Slut was a disappointment after the last Carlton Mellick III I read, The Warrior Wolf Women of the Wasteland, and felt like a misfire. To use a sexual analogy, if Warrior Wolf Women of the Wasteland had been a spectacular sexual experience, War Slut was just a wet dream.

kotep's review

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dark funny mysterious fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


memnoch's review

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I take Mellick's books for what they are but sometimes you wish he put more into it. The book had some really cool ideas on weapons and of course the "War Sluts" will probably be a thing in a few hundred years if we don't destroy the planet before that. So he should of explored the weaponry more and the war sluts and of course a super abrupt ending which left me more than irritated.

omgreading's review

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I'm horrible at reviews, so I never do them, but I do have to say the idea of library bullets, or how they were described, I loved it. So creative.

Well all of the bullets were, but I just really liked that one.