
What Is Madness? by Darian Leader

saturnsmoons's review against another edition

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overall, i liked this book. 
my only criticisms would be that i think the examples used should be a tad more developed, and some aspects were a little redundant. other than that, i think this piece is essential for those wanting to go into any kind of psychiatry to understand just why that shit can be so harmful. 

marissacon's review against another edition

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informative inspiring medium-paced


corvidfax's review against another edition

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informative reflective medium-paced


The overarching message (criticizing common views of madness and the ways society fails over and over again to address mental conditions with empathy) is clear and worth thinking about, especially amidst a culture that is all too easily dismissive and superficial regarding those mental conditions. He only lost me at some parts where he would [seem to] equate some things with psychosis, such as gender dysphoria or George Cantor's theories on Shakespeare, but seeing as how sympathetic he is to these people regardless tells me that he doesn't view them as "wrong" per se. Giving him the benefit of the doubt on this one.

paulataua's review against another edition

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Darian leader undertakes an exploration of nature of psychosis, what most would consider to be what madness is. It is an interesting attempt in which Leader, relying heavily on the work of Jacques Lacan, tries to give a psychoanalytical explanation of psychosis that will be comprehensible to the laymen. That is, of course, an almost impossible task, which has much the same difficulty level as explaining quantum physics to the non-scientist. If you have a little background in Freud and Lacan, however, it is a good read, albeit at times it does overuse example stories where explanations might have been more appropriate.

nycterisberna's review against another edition

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Otra obra maravillosamente bien explicada de Leader sobre la locura (acá destaqué las otras que he leído, todas excelentes: [b:Estrictamente bipolar|46398008|Estrictamente bipolar|Darian Leader||71426798] y [b:La moda negra: Duelo, melancolía y depresión|13592801|La moda negra Duelo, melancolía y depresión|Darian Leader||2764029] donde hace un análisis principalmente sobre la neurosis y la psicosis, con muchos ejemplos clínicos e información sobre autores que han tratado el tema como Lacan, Freud o Jaspers.

nandanz's review against another edition

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“A pressão para que muitos profissionais de saúde mental de hoje simplesmente monitorem a medicação agrava essa situação. Garantir que o paciente tome seus remédios e ficar atento aos efeitos colaterais das drogas antipsicóticas podem convencer os clínicos de que, efetivamente, há um tratamento sendo feito, e de que, portanto, as horas adicionais de contato não são essenciais. O efeito colateral mais grave da medicação, nesse caso, é a tentação, para o médico, de deixar que os remédios sejam suficientes.
Isso não significa que, em algumas situações, os medicamentos não possam ser úteis. Não há dúvida de que, em certos casos, eles podem atenuar a intensidade dos fenômenos psicóticos, mas também devem servir para estabelecer uma plataforma para o diálogo. Quanto maior o espaço fornecido para a terapia regular, mais esse uso de medicamentos poderá diminuir, e vale a pena pensar na prescrição de tranquilizantes mais leves, e não no recurso imediato aos neurolépticos, que comumente ocorre no início do tratamento. Sem isso, graças aos efeitos difundidos e nocivos do uso prolongado de drogas, a ideia da psicose como uma doença cerebral crônica e irreversível torna-se uma profecia autocumpridora.”

tildafin16's review against another edition

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If you are already very interested in psychoanalytic theory then this book will be good for you. It's not an easy read and requires an acceptance of some of the most convoluted elements of psychoanalytic thinking to really get 'past go'. The chapter on Shipman I found the most accessible and interesting.