
Confessions of a City Girl: Paris by Juliette Sobanet

ljbentley27's review

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In the fourth novella in the Confessions series, author Juliette Sobanet introduces her readers to Olivia. Olivia works hard and plays very little. We first see her emptying out her childhood home. She is desperate to tick selling the property off her list so she can get back to her busy life back in New York. However, it is with the discovery of an old diary that sparks a life changing adventure that finds Olivia travelling to Paris for just one day.

One day in Paris? Surely that isn’t enough time to fall in love but that is exactly what happens. Olivia falls in love with the most beautiful city in the world.

I’ve loved the Confessions series and I will forever sing the praises of Juliette Sobanet. She has the ability to transport me to a different place and yet feel totally at home there and it is no different with Confessions of a City Girl: Paris.

Confessions of a City Girl: Paris is short but sweet. It is what I like to think of as a commute story; one to read on your way to work. However, if you don’t work too far away you could get so engrossed that you miss your stop. You have been warned.

Confessions of a City Girl: Paris (A Confessions Novella) by Juliette Sobanet is available now.

For more information regarding Juliette Sobanet (@JulietteSobanet) please visit