
The Hero of 1000 Years by Christine E. Schulze

proggeddy's review

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The Hero of 1000 Years was somewhat odd for me. It started off relatively slow as it introduced the characters and had them interact at school for a couple of weeks, but once stuff started happening, the rest of the story flew by. I read a few reviews where the reader complained that some of the lingo used was outdated, but Schulze explains why this is, so I don't know what those readers are upset about. I'm not sure how I feel about the way it all concluded. I suppose since it's a series it's alright that it be left so open-ended, but some part of me can't escape feeling that things ended a little to well a little to easily.

Overall it wasn't bad, and I'm going to continue reading the rest of series the author was kind enough to provide me with.

katyrieann's review

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I recieved this book from the firstreads giveaways. I enjoyed this book, but it was a bit short. It is a true fairy tale, as you read it you almost feel like the author is telling you a bedtime story. It's wrtten more like a story to be read aloud and I will probably read it to my daughter some day. There are times when things are a bit confusing, but I believe that is only because it is one book of many in a series. The book wraps up the story nicely but also leaves a few things open for the next installment. I think anyone who enjoys a good vs. evil plot will like this book. I believe it is perfect for children (though not too young there are fight scenes, but they are not gruesome) and parents who like to read with their children.