Die Glückshypothese: Was uns wirklich glücklich macht. Die Quintessenz aus altem Wissen und moderner Glücksforschung by Jonathan Haidt, Jonathan Haidt
Die Glückshypothese: Was uns wirklich glücklich macht. Die Quintessenz aus altem Wissen und moderner Glücksforschung

Jonathan Haidt, Jonathan Haidt

Die Glückshypothese: Was uns wirklich glücklich macht. Die Quintessenz aus altem Wissen und moderner Glücksforschung

Jonathan Haidt, Jonathan Haidt

missing page info Add in missing page information first pub 2005 (editions)

nonfiction philosophy psychology self help informative reflective slow-paced
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In his widely praised book, award-winning psychologist Jonathan Haidt examines the world's philosophical wisdom through the lens of psychological science, showing how a deeper understanding of enduring maxims-like Do unto others as you would have ...

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