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Dark Cottagecore/Cottagegore features a strong focus on country or cottage life, but also includes darker elements of nature (i.e. fungal horror or decaying woods, forest cryptids, spirits or ghosts, and bones).
If this sounds interesting to you, join this cottagegore/cottagegore-adjacent reading challenge! No time limit.
If this sounds interesting to you, join this cottagegore/cottagegore-adjacent reading challenge! No time limit.
Dark Cottagecore/Cottagegore Vibes - A List
76 participants (50 books)
Dark Cottagecore/Cottagegore features a strong focus on country or cottage life, but also includes darker elements of nature (i.e. fungal horror or decaying woods, forest cryptids, spirits or ghosts, and bones).
If this sounds interesting to you, join this cottagegore/cottagegore-adjacent reading challenge! No time limit.
If this sounds interesting to you, join this cottagegore/cottagegore-adjacent reading challenge! No time limit.
Challenge Books