Historathon 2024

tenar's profile picture tenar Host

31 participants (127 books)

01 Jan 202431 Dec 2024


From the creator Revenant Reads over on Youtube

"Historathon is a year-long celebration of reading historical nonfiction. The goal is to read, discuss, and spotlight works of history, and to encourage reluctant readers to give history a try. The calendar year will be divided into three-month blocks, with each block focusing on a particular period of time:

Jan-March = Prehistory-500 CE
April-June = 500-1500
July-Sept = 1500-1820
Oct-Dec = 1820-Present

To participate, simply read a work of history that falls into the time period for each quarterly segment of the year. Read more if you’d like! Tailor the choices to your interests or try something completely new.

Historathon "Side Quests":
We will also be encouraging/participating in history-related activities throughout the year, including watching historical films/documentaries, trying historical recipes, listening to historical music, etc. Feel free to join us! [Visit announcement video here for more.]

We will be using the hashtag: #historathon2024"

Challenge Prompts
