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Want to read more nonfiction? Why not try a challenge based on a library classification system!
The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) uses a hierarchical structure of 10 classes, each containing 10 divisions, each having 10 sections.
I have created a prompt for each class, so that the reading choices are a little broader and you can read anything fitting into that category - as long as it is nonfiction!
You can find a list of DDC classes here.
More on the DDC: Dewey Decimal Classification
The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) uses a hierarchical structure of 10 classes, each containing 10 divisions, each having 10 sections.
I have created a prompt for each class, so that the reading choices are a little broader and you can read anything fitting into that category - as long as it is nonfiction!
You can find a list of DDC classes here.
More on the DDC: Dewey Decimal Classification
Dewey Decimal Nonfiction Challenge
67 participants (587 books)
Want to read more nonfiction? Why not try a challenge based on a library classification system!
The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) uses a hierarchical structure of 10 classes, each containing 10 divisions, each having 10 sections.
I have created a prompt for each class, so that the reading choices are a little broader and you can read anything fitting into that category - as long as it is nonfiction!
You can find a list of DDC classes here.
More on the DDC: Dewey Decimal Classification
The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) uses a hierarchical structure of 10 classes, each containing 10 divisions, each having 10 sections.
I have created a prompt for each class, so that the reading choices are a little broader and you can read anything fitting into that category - as long as it is nonfiction!
You can find a list of DDC classes here.
More on the DDC: Dewey Decimal Classification