A review by ohthatellie
The Dancer by Vivian Wood


After reading The Patron, I instantly fell in love with the story and couldn't wait for more of Kaia and Calum's story. I had so many questions and couldn't wait to read how the hell they were going to get back together after that whopper of a cliffhanger. I have to say I am incredibly underwhelmed with this installment.

The Dancer picks up a month after The Patron with Calum and Kaia sad over the end of their arrangement. I expected more groveling on Calum's part and was disappointed there wasn't any if at all. I felt like Kaia went right back into their arrangement too quickly and I understand that she has issues with her confidence but I felt like there was an opportunity here for her character to finally stand up to at least one man in her life and make him work for her affections and respect as well as her career as a dancer. She had other options besides NY Ballet and would have loved to have seen her dance somewhere else and thrive on her merits alone.

All the questions I had in the first book remained unanswered especially the ones surrounding her family. Calum revealed his secret to his brother but there was absolutely no conversation about it after and I was surprised by that since we're led to believe they have a very strong and solid relationship. I just couldn't believe he would be so blasé about it and kind of brush it off. I also felt like the introduction of Calum's adversary in the ballet company came out of nowhere so I'm hoping that stays resolved and not brought up again.

All of this is not to say I didn't enjoy the book because I did. I was happy that they got back together and that Calum can finally admit his feelings towards to Kaia. I especially loved that he was standing by her when confronted with her family and also tries to protect her even if it's a little misguided. I can see where their relationship is heading and I know it will be satisfying. I know that it's going to be an emotional conclusion and I'm really looking forward to The Embrace and hopefully all my questions and concerns will come to an end.

ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review