A review by itsjustkatereading
The Unstoppable Wasp: Unlimited Vol. 1: Fix Everything by


This was the perfect way to kick off my 2021 reads.

I have so much love for these characters and the Agents of G.I.R.L. Nadia's story is so much fun but I love the unapologetic and serious way in which it explores mental health. It's not afraid to show Nadia's struggle and the effect it has on her and those around her and I can't wait to see where the next volume takes this narrative. It will never not be incredibly cool to see a Marvel superhero both going to therapy and openly discussing mental health.

Gurihiru's art style might possibly be my favourite I've come across in a Marvel comic. I absolutely adored it!

Overall, this was another solid addition to Nadia's story and once again has me baffled as to why her series' keep getting cancelled. This badass team of young women are phenomenal and I just want everyone to love them as much as I do...