A review by destrier
The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters by Gordon Dahlquist


Trashy, steampunk fun. In the first (and strongest) chapter, bodices are ripped, swashes are buckled, and the game is afoot. The three heroes are all very likable and pleasantly different. The second chapter is a bit bogged down introducing the innumerable and indistinguishable villains--another review warned me about this and I simply ignored them. The rest of the plot and chase scenes are enjoyable without tracking the intricacies of the evil cabal.

I recommend [b:Snow Crash|830|Snow Crash|Neal Stephenson|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1320544000s/830.jpg|493634] and the Amelia Peabody series by [a:Elizabeth Peters|16549|Elizabeth Peters|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1232144920p2/16549.jpg] if you enjoy this, and vice versa.