A review by bookmarked642
Cuckoo by Keren David


Sorry I haven't been writing any reviews for a while. Life's a little all over the place right now.

This was one of the books I picked up from the library without knowing anything about it, so I was pretty excited to read it. It was definitely different to what I expected; it's written in "episodes" but not quite like a script. It's more detailed and less firmly structured, but is from the point of view of the audience of the episodes (not any of the characters in the actual scene). The episodes are also acted by different people, who aren't necessarily the actual characters. This was really interesting; it made it more like a 'show' that Jake was putting on, but did get a bit confusing.

It was definitely a good book. I enjoyed reading it and was interested to discover what happened next. I quite liked Jake as a character, although he did come across as a little overdramatic. (Maybe I'm being harsh by saying this, but did he really need to run away from home and cause such a fuss?) I understand how the author is perhaps trying to convey the message that even actors and "successful" people have problems, but I just wasn't feeling it. I don't know. Maybe a different issue should have been explored.

The story is basically Jake's web-series after the soap "Market Square" is cancelled. After losing his job and income, his family is forced to move into a small flat. Jake can't cope, especially with his disabled brother and his father who's going through a bit of a mental breakdown, and so hops from one friends' house to another. Somehow this leads to his best friend hating him, and he continues to be bitter through the comments of the web-series.

Quick side note: The comments are a good touch, but felt really fake. I liked having the 'real-time' dialogue, but the messages didn't sound genuine/authentic at all to me.

Anyway, Jake ends up in some old woman's house, who turns out to have been a director. He helps bring her out of her extreme dementia, and in return she allows him to live with her.

It all seemed a bit too much, too extreme, for what it was. Jake ends up homeless at one point, and his friend is still being all grumpy at him and it just seemed a bit off to me. But I don't know, I might just be being way too harsh. Despite that, I did enjoy reading it. 3.5 stars.