A review by ihateprozac
Ambition by Kate Brian


Following Cheyenne's death, the stalking really kicks into high gear in Ambition, and it's fucking awesome. Reed is haunted by mementos from Cheyenne's life at every turn, from the black balls used in the Billings initiation vote, to items of Cheyenne's clothing, to Cheyenne's signature and sickening perfume. This is juxtaposed against an incredibly superficial background, with the Billings girls fundraising for Easton to save their house and compensate for burning down Gwendolyn Hall.

If you couldn't tell, I absolutely fucking loved the stalking. It was similar to Sara Shepard's [b:Pretty Little Liars|162085|Pretty Little Liars (Pretty Little Liars, #1)|Sara Shepard|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1284559818s/162085.jpg|2191061] series in that at first it seemed like Cheyenne was really haunting Reed from beyond the grave, but then it becomes much more sinister and grounded in reality. You realise that someone is really out for blood, and that person knows everything. I thought the black balls and items of clothing were creepy enough, but switching out Reed's perfume with Cheyenne's was genius - the sense of smell is the sense most closely linked with memory, so I was squirming along with Reed when Cheyenne's signature scent was suddenly everywhere.

I also really felt for Reed during the fundraiser when the video of her and Dash leaked, essentially making her an instant social pariah. I felt her complete and total humiliation, and wanted nothing more than to give her a big hug. She can be annoying as fuck at times, but that scene was just so powerful and well written. There was an overwhelming sense of loneliness, with nowhere to go, nobody to turn to, and nobody to blame it on. Noelle was always there for Reed, so losing Noelle was huge. There was a sense of finality, all I could think was "Okay, this is huge. Final. There is no coming back from this".

As if Reed becoming public enemy #1 wasn't dramatic enough, it's followed up with an epic shot of why-Ivy-really-hates-Billings. We find out the reasons for her falling out with Cheyenne, that she secretly has ties to Ariana and Noelle, and that she's going to take out Noelle when she has the chance. I can't say I believed that she was Cheyenne's killer and Reed's stalker, but it was OMGSOEXCITING nonetheless.

Speaking of Ivy, I pretty much wanted to slam my head against the wall when the author revealed that she was dating Josh 5 minutes after he'd dumped Reed. Ivy is evil and annoying as fuck, and Josh was such a little bitch in Legacy. They sound like they're destined for one another, but mostly they're just really fucking annoying. And I don't understand what Josh sees in Ivy - I'm sure she has a nice side and they both hate Billings, but surely he can see how malicious she is?! It's so hypocritical of him to yell at Reed about how she's become such a Billings girl, and then turn around and date Satan incarnate.

Overall: If I could describe Ambition in 3 words it would be "really fucking exciting". The stalking is turned up to 11 and Reed's relationships are in tatters, all effectively juxtaposed against a superficial private school backdrop. I'd already moved on and read [b:Revelation|2206960|Revelation (Private, #8)|Kate Brian|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1255653465s/2206960.jpg|2212731] before writing this review, but I know I was so excited to find out who the second killer was when I finished this book.