A review by robinshtulman
Owl in Love by Patrice Kindl


What an unexpected little gem!

Owl in love manages to be a fully fraught supernatural teenage romance without spilling over into maudlin self-importance. Just the right amount of humor -- Not parody. Though there is some similarity to Switchers, Kindl tells a delightful story and I would happily read more by her.

"Owls are not house-proud. The almost obsessive tidiness of this room made me uneasy. A few rotting branches or some old leaves would have made the place look a lot homier, in my opinion." (p.51)

"Damp weather means bad hunting for owls, and in a wet spring an owl can progress from stylishly slender to dead in a matter of days." (p.95)

P.S. Don'tcha think Owl is a kindred soul to Temperance Brennan?