A review by coffeecurls
Pacific Heights by Paul Harper


3.5 stars from me

Ahhh this book has so much promise but for some reason it just didn't quite hit the mark for me.

The storyline itself was good, clever and enjoyable and I was intrigued as to where it was heading and why - but - at various places it just gets a bit muddled. I found the beginning quarter of the book to be a little confusing and almost gave up on it at that point, however I am glad I persevered as the middle of the book is really good, really interesting and I found myself quite engrossed with the story.

Then again towards the end it seemed to wander and vagaries crept back in.

Shame. So near and yet so far.

Because of this I would have assumed that it was a first novel that maybe required a heavier hand with editing but Paul Harper is actually the pen name of experienced author David Lindsey - although I have yet to read anything by David Lindsey so far so I don't know if this is typical for his books. I think I will endeavour to seek one out!