A review by kimberlyfaye_reads
To Have and to Hold by Lauren Layne


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I just love Lauren Layne's books. To Have and To Hold was no exception. Her new Wedding Belles series caught my attention with the prequel novella, From This Day Forward, which I really enjoyed. But I so much more than simply enjoyed To Have and To Hold. I adored the characters and the story. The romance was top notch and gave me major feels. It was sexier than the sweet cover would lead you to believe. It bordered on flat out steamy at times.

I had such an easy time connecting with the main characters in this book. I found Brooke easy to like and relate to. I felt bad for the things she dealt with in her last relationship in Los Angeles, so it was really easy to root for a better life (and romance!) for her now in New York City. It can't be easy to continue to plan weddings for other brides when your own special day exploded so spectacularly, so I give her props for being strong and still giving it her all. She had trust issues – and honestly, who wouldn't after that? She wasn't expecting to click with someone so quickly after moving to NYC and, of course, it had to be the older brother of her first client. That's not going to get messy at all, right?

Seth might've been hard and cold on the outside, but he was anything but underneath. He's definitely one of my new favorite book men. Sure, he was overbearing and prone to trying to control situations, but he did it for the right reason – out of love. If he hadn't been so worried about his sister Maya's upcoming nuptials (and fiance, for that matter) he might not have met Brooke and, well, that would've sucked. As much as I liked each character on their own, together they were that much better. They had crazy chemistry from the start and I really enjoyed reading along as it grew into more than just physical attraction. They were so well suited for each other.

The Wedding Belles series just keeps getting better and better. I can honestly say I'm in love with this series and can't flipping wait to get my hands on the next book. I'm already excited about Heather's story, so I'm really glad I won't have to wait THAT long to read it. Romance fans, you should be reading these books. If you've never read any of Lauren's before, this is a perfect place to start. If you have read and loved her work in the past, I think you'll feel the same about this series.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher, via NetGalley, exchange for an honest review.

"Ms. Baldwin," he said slowly, as though tasting the sound of her name on his tongue. Then he dropped his eyes to her mouth, as though wanting to taste more than the sound of her name.

The kiss wasn't gentle. It had none of his usual finesse. But he'd make up for it later. Now he needed her taste. Needed her moans and her softness. Needed to feel that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

Objectively, he was aware that he'd known this woman for a little over a month. It was far too soon to start thinking of them as a unit—to start thinking of her as his. And yet, he also knew down to the quietest, most secret part of his soul that she was his. And he was hers.

"Don't cry," he whispered. "I die when you cry."