A review by lifeisstory
Little Prayers for Ordinary Days by Liita Forsyth, Tish Harrison Warren, Flo Paris Oakes, Katy Hutson



Little Prayers for Ordinary Days is a liturgy of prayers for young people to read, recite, and reflect upon, helping them learn to express themselves in prayer and come to God in any situation. Written by Katy Bowser Hutson, Flo Paris Oakes, and Tish Harrison Warren, this book is an intimate collection of twenty-nine prayers for various occasions. An example:

For Trying Something New
God I am trying something new
It’s scary.
And exciting!
What if I don’t get it right?
I know that I can’t do anything
To make you love me more
Or less.
You just love me
Because you love me.
You are always with me.
Cheering me on.
That gives me courage to try with all my heart.

This sort of poetic beauty is in every prayer. There are prayers for waking up and going to bed, for seeing a friend and leaving a friend, for forgiveness, for bath time, for a hard day, and more. Some of the prayers are reflective of daily events, teaching kids to prayer throughout their day, working prayer into the rhythms of their lives. Other prayers are occasional and special (For When I See a Bird is my favorite), teaching kids to utter prayers of joy over the smallest of excitements—also rebutting the myth that liturgical prayers stifle spontaneous expression.

Liita Forsyth provides illustrations for each page, inspired by her students at The Field School in Chicago. Using pastel blue and gray in what I believe is pen sketches and watercolor, her illustrations add a visual component and makes the book more appealing and engaging. This is a tiny, little book but it has a lot of power. Whether you read it with your child at the appropriate times or give to them to explore and reflect on their own time, whether young or old, there’s something to be gleaned through this book.