A review by howifeelaboutbooks
Never Knowing by Chevy Stevens


I was contacted by the publisher to receive a free ARC of this book. I read it in two days. Stevens knows how to write an amazing suspense novel. I should have suspected some continuity from the title - Never Knowing... Still Missing? Yes, this book also stars Nadine, the therapist from Stevens' first book. I like the idea that we're getting a peek into her case files, but I also hope that Stevens' next book is different. I think this one could have been more suspenseful if it wasn't told within the framework of therapy sessions. It worked for Still Missing because we were hearing about what had happened before. In Never Knowing, the story is happening as we read. I felt removed from the action because I was being told secondhand, through the sessions, instead of actually "experiencing" it. I think the sessions gave too much introspection and analysis to the action, almost telling the reader what to think instead of allowing ourselves to interpret.

There was also the twist ending, much like the one in Still Missing. I hope this is also discarded in Stevens' next novel. Some people may think the whole premise of the novel is far-fetched, but in my opinion the twist ending makes it more unbelievable. When things were wrapped up and twenty pages remained, I knew what was coming. In Still Missing, the twist helped wrap up the case. In Never Knowing, it seemed like Stevens was trying to pack in more punch. I think the story would have been stronger without it.

Like I said - I read this in two days. When I wasn't reading it, I was telling people about it. When I wasn't talking about it, I was thinking about it. It gets stuck in your head and makes your heart pound the entire time. I was reading it in broad daylight and it still creeped me out. It got under my skin. I loved it, and will re-read it and still be entertained by it.