A review by gwynnifar
The Servant a Simple Story about the True Essence of Leadership by James C. Hunter

informative fast-paced


The Servent is rooted in the (I believe correct) idea that we are called to serve one another. However, the book is absolutely a product of its time making casual statements about, gender role rigidity, the undesirable call to unionize, and how "people just need to choose to do better and pull themselves up regardless of situation."  In short, it assumes a white, cis, het, upper class man's experience is the default and exemplar. It presents all action as self-determined and ignores very real experiences of systematic racism, sexism, and heternormativity.

The book is told in narrative form with characters that are flat, static, and stereotyped. It is primarily dialogue, most of which serves to deliver o random quotes by other thinkers. A startling number of quotes are unattributed and presented as folk wisdom.

Though it may have been a unique voice when first published, the book fails to present an engaging narrative and its guidance is essentially Hunter throwing every cliche at the reader in hopes they catch something. Ultimately, it is neither informative nor inspirational. 

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