A review by exorcismemily
Cenote City by Monique Quintana


"She began to cry and cry and cry tears that felt like needles and blades."


Cenote City is Monique Quintana's gorgeous debut novella. Her writing is vivid and poetic, and this book was a great introduction to Quintana's style. I would say this book is speculative fiction / bizarro with some magical realism, horror, and fantasy vibes. It's a really unique story.

I really enjoyed this story, but I struggled with the format. It's not told chronologically, and I had a hard time keeping track of characters. There is a lot of jumping around, and I think it will be totally fine for other readers, but I had a difficult time with it. It was just a little too disjointed for my brain, and I was confused at times.

Although I had a hard time with the format, this was an entertaining and creative read. It takes you through all the emotions, and you feel for the characters and their situations. I would definitely read another book from this author.