A review by mai2725
The Shadow Killer by Arnaldur IndriĆ°ason



Everything about this book was weak. The characters were written in a very poor way, and they have no depth.
The way they led this investigation was very weak and made them sound like a bunch of amatures who has no idea what they were doing. And that interrogation, my gawd, even kids can do better than this.
Like if you're writing a full book about a murder case at least do your homework in knowing and understanding how the investigations and interrogations happens.
And the way they were dealing with the evidence was a total mess.
The level of defection and stupidity in the interrogation'a questions was really something else.
I'm a huge fan of anything WW2 related, but they added the WW2 touch in the most boring and dull ways.
The script,the events and the plot were very tacky. And don't get me started with the atrocious ending.
I don't really understand the hype behind the book.
This is nothing but a waste of paper.