A review by bridgetonowhere_
Complicated by Kristen Ashley


If you like KA, then you're sure to like this book.

I have read every book that KA has written. Yeah, I'm that much of a fan girl. This, was good. It was pretty standard for KA. I read it quickly, enjoyed it and don't regret spending money on it. I will probably even reread it at some point in the future. My only complaint is, this wasn't really anything new. The perspective, dialogue and plot never strayed too far from any of her other books. Also, I personally enjoy her stories where there is a larger secondary plot to solve more than just straight contemporary, i.e. Ghosts, serial killers, the mob etc etc. This book had a splash of that, but never really jumped in like some of the others. So, good, but doesn't break into my top 5 favorite KA's.