A review by georgieem
Gearbreakers by Zoe Hana Mikuta


DNF at 50%

The protagonists needed more flaws, and the world significantly more fleshing out. There are trains, giant mechs, and somehow canary breeders for the mines? Is this taking place far in the future or in an alternate land? How big is Godolia? How big are the Badlands? What is life in the city actually like? What do people eat?

If you like action and strong character focus, you might enjoy this book.

Personally, it's hard for me to get into a book about war and conflict when everything is painted so black and white. Life is more messy than that. Nice people can have awful beliefs, people who are doing the right thing can be genuinely cruel. This book says that, but doesn't show that. Let the anger issues really hurt someone.

Unrelated, but I am genuinely unsure if this is YA or not -- it feels that way but it wasn't categorized as such for me via my library or in articles reviewing it I saw.